Job Monitor Widget
The Job Monitor Widget shows a listing of jobs that have been submitted by the user. If the user is a system administrator, it will show any job submitted by any user. The Job Monitor can also be accessed through the Systems tab on the Features Sidebar. For details about the Job Monitor, see Job Monitor.
The Job Monitor Widget |
Configuring Job Monitor Widget
To configure a Job Monitor Widget, first configure a new blank Widget. For more information on adding and configuring new Widgets, see Add a Widget.
Select the Widget Settings icon in the upper right of the
new Widget’s Activity Bar. Note that a Widget’s Activity Bar will not be displayed unless the cursor is
hovering over the top of the Widget.
A Widget Configuration window will appear. Select Job Monitor from the Type dropdown list on the far right of the Widget Configuration window. The Job Monitor configuration options will appear.
Configure the Job Monitor Widget |
The only Job Monitor Widget configuration option is the Title.
- Title: The title of the Widget. It is helpful if the title of a Widget reflects the source of the data as well as the Widget’s type, for instance “Job Monitor”.
Click Apply to save the changes to the Widget and close the Widget Configuration window. Click Cancel to close the Widget Configuration window without saving the changes.