

Filters provide a way for the user to quickly find a set of records based on the values of selected attributes.

Users can apply Filters in two ways, through the Predefined Filter functionality and the Dynamic Filter functionality. The first requires the repository be prepared for drill down Filters; the second is available on all repositories.

If a Filter placed on a Repository View is the only Active Filter, it restricts the Repository View’s record list to only those records that contain the specified attribute value . See Multiple Filter Interaction for information regarding the effect of multiple Active Filters.

Creating a Filter also causes an Active Filter box to be displayed in the Active Filters Bar that indicates the name of the attribute and what Filter is being applied to its values. To remove a Filter, close its Active Filter box.

Multiple Filter Interaction

A repository can have more than one Active Filter at a time. The manner in which they interact depends on the manner in which they were created.

First Filter

Second Filter




Predefined; Same Attribute


Records with the first value OR the second will be displayed.


Predefined; Different Attribute


Records with the first value AND the second will be displayed.




Records with the first value AND the second will be displayed.




Records with the first value AND the second will be displayed.



Predefined Only

The Dynamically created Filter is removed. The Predefined Filter is applied.

Predefined Filters

During configuration, the system administrator selects particular attributes in a repository to be drill down indexes.

When the user opens the Filter Sidebar, a list of the drill down index attributes appear. Upon the user expanding an index attribute, a list of all the values that attribute has in the repository is displayed. Each attribute listing includes a count of how many times that attribute value appears in the repository. If a Saved Set is in use in the Repository View, the Filter will show attribute values and counts applicable to the Saved Set only.

Selecting an attribute value causes a Filter to be placed on the Repository View. If the new Filter is the only Active Filter, it will cause the Repository View to only lists those records that contain the specified attribute value. See Multiple Filter Interaction for information regarding the effect of multiple Active Filters.

Creating a filter causes an Active Filter box to be displayed in the Active Filters Bar that indicates the name of the attribute and what Filter is being applied to its values.

Apply a Predefined Filter

To apply a Filter to a repository using the Predefined Filter capability:

  1. Open the desired repository in a Repository View, (see Open a Repository in a Repository View).

    Repository View: Grid View

  2. Open the More Actions dropdown by clicking the on the Repository View’s Activity Bar. Select the Filter option. The Filter Sidebar will appear.

    Filter Sidebar

  3. Expand an attribute name to see a list of all the values it has in the repository and a count of how many times each attribute value appears. If a Saved Set is in use, the Filter Sidebar will show attribute values and counts applicable to the Saved Set only.
  4. Select an attribute value to place a Filter on the repository.

    Select an Attribute Filter

  5. If the new Filter is the only Active Filter on the repository, it will restrict the Repository View’s record list to only records that contain the selected attribute value. Selecting more attribute values will create additional Active Filters. See Multiple Filter Interaction for information regarding the effect of multiple Active Filters.
  6. Applying a Filter also causes an Active Filter box to appear in the Active Filter Bar.

  7. To remove a Filter, close its Active Filter box.

Dynamic Filters

Filters can be placed on any repository using the Dynamic Filter capability, not just those assigned drill down indexes by the system administrator. The user can click any of a repository’s attribute headers to create an Active Filter.

If the new Filter is the only Active Filter, it will cause the Repository View to list only the records containing that attribute value. For information regarding the interaction between multiple Active Filters, see Multiple Filter Interaction.

When a new Filter is created, an Active Filter box for it will appear in the Active Filter Bar. Closing theActive Filter box will remove the Filter’s effect from the Repository View.

Apply a Dynamic Filter

To apply a Filter to a repository using the Dynamic Filter capability:

  1. Open the desired repository in a Repository View, (see Open a Repository in a Repository View).

    Repository View: Grid View

  2. On the desired attribute column header, select the Filter icon to the right of the attribute’s name. Note that the Filter icon will not appear until the cursor is hovering over the attribute column header.

    Dynamic Filter

  3. An Add Filter window will appear. The options available in the Add Filter window depend on the attribute’s data type.

    Dynamic Filter Options

  4. Enter the desired attribute value.
  5. Select Apply to establish the attribute Filter or select Cancel to exit the window without establishing the attribute Filter.

If the new Filter is the only Active Filter, it will cause the Repository View to list only the records containing that attribute value. For information regarding the interaction between multiple Active Filters, see Multiple Filter Interaction.

Active Filter