Linked Content Report Widget
The Linked Content Report Widget generates a graph that displays how many records in a repository have zero linked records, how many have one linked record, how many have two linked records, etc., up to the indicated number of linked records. The values are displayed in a pie diagram, with each number of linked records assigned its own color. If desired, a Filter Legend can be displayed that indicates the value each color represents. Clicking on a color in the Filter Legend will remove or add that value from the display. Hovering the mouse over a wedge will bring up a pop-up window that indicates the value and how many records meet that criteria.
Linked Content Report Widget |
Configuring Linked Content Report Widget
To configure a Linked Content Report Widget, first configure a new blank Widget. For more information on adding and configuring new Widgets, see Add a Widget.
Select the Widget Settings icon in the upper right of the
new Widget’s Activity Bar. Note that a Widget’s Activity Bar will not be displayed unless the cursor is
hovering over the top of the Widget.
A Widget Configuration window will appear. Select Linked Content Report from the Type dropdown list on the far right of the Widget Configuration window. The Linked Content Report configuration options will appear.
Configure the Linked Content Report Widget |
Edit the Linked Content Report Widget options as desired.
- Title: The title of the Widget. It is helpful if the title of a Widget reflects the source of the data as well as the Widget’s type, for instance “Product Linked Content Report”.
- Repository: Select the link relationship for the repository the report should run against in the Repository dropdown list. The dropdown will also let you select linked repositories.
- Saved Set: (Optional.) Select a Saved Set to further limit the records to report against.
- Saved Search: (Optional.) Saved Search to further limit the records to report against.
- Number of Links: (Optional.) Enter the maximum number of links to be reported.
- Graph Type: Select the type of graph to display:
- Pie: Displays a pie wedge for each number of links
value. The size of each wedge is determined by the number of records with
the corresponding number of links.
Linked Content Report Widget
- Vertical Bar: Displays a vertical bar for each number of
links value. The height of each bar is determined by the number of records
with the corresponding number of links.
Linked Content Report Widget Vertical Bar Graph
- Horizontal Bar: Displays a horizontal bar for each
number of links value. The height of each bar is determined by the number
of records with the corresponding number of links.
Linked Content Report Horizontal Bar Graph
- Line: Line graph with the horizontal axis representing
the number of links and the vertical access representing the number of
records having that many links.
Linked Content Report Widget Line Graph
- Show Filters: (Optional.) If selected, the Filters Legend will be displayed. When displayed, clicking on a legend color will remove or add the corresponding wedge/bar/point from the graph.
- Graph Legend Position: (Optional.) Select where the Filters Legend is to be displayed. This option will not be displayed unless aGraph Type is selected and Show Filters is checked.
Click Apply to save the changes to the Widget and close the Widget Configuration window. Click Cancel to close the Widget Configuration window without saving the changes.