Analysis APIs
Analysis APIs provide analysis operations that can be performed on the Raster. Below are the different Analysis APIs:
Line Statistics
This method returns
RasterLineStatistics Object. This object contains statistical
information of a line calculated from an already opened Raster. The
RasterLineStatistics object includes information like Minimum/Maximum value
of the cell, Mean, Median, Mode, Range, Start/End/Middle Value of the cell, etc.
Polygon/Region Statistics
This method Returns the statistics of a
given input polygon or region in the form of RasterPolygonStatistics
Object from the underlying Raster dataset. The information contained in
RasterPolygonStatistics object include Minimum/Maximum Value of the Cell,
Mean, Range, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variance etc.
Cross Section Information
This method samples an already opened
Raster Dataset along a series of points specified by line or polyline and returns
information about each sample point. Output of this method is a list of
RasterCrossSectionInfo Objects that has cross section data as
statistics computed from the Raster. The cross-section statistics include X/Y
coordinates of the sample point, distance, point status, etc. Status of a point in the
cross section can either be VALID, OFF_GRID or NULL.