Geo Raster SDK

The Precisely Geo Raster SDK is a toolkit that enables reading and processing of all types of raster/grid data including image, classified, discrete, and continuous.

The API functions include:

Metadata APIs:
  • Raster Information (getRasterInfo) : Information about a raster dataset as RasterInfo Object.
  • Raster Statistics (getStatistics) : Basic statistics information of Raster Dataset as RasterStatistics Object for given field and band index.
  • Cell Value (getCellValue) : Cell Value of a Grid Coordinates.
Analysis APIs
  • Line Statistics (getLineStatistics) : Statistical information of a line calculated from an already opened raster.
  • Polygon/Region Statistics (getPolygonStatistics) : Statistics of a given input polygon or region calculated from an already opened raster.
  • Cross Section Information (getCrossSectionInfo) : Samples an already opened Raster Dataset along a series of points specified by line or polyline.

Rendering APIs

  • Raster Style: Uniformly defines the properties of given field of Raster file.
  • Raster Renderer (createRenderer) : Raster Renderer object to display or render the underlying raster file into an image buffer.
Data Access
  • An abstracted set of data access iterators to simplify the task of reading data in a Raster dataset. These iterators have been designed and optimized to provide easy read access to Raster data under different use cases.

SDK Components

The Geo Raster SDK is a Java SDK which provides Raster's I/O, analysis and rendering capabilities. A developer can use this SDK to deliver these capabilities into new and existing Java applications and environments.

A sample gradle project on top of Geo Raster SDK is also available on public github at which demonstrates the usage of various SDK APIs.

Geo Raster SDK distribution (.zip file) has following components:

  • Java library: Public interfaces\classes\enumerations required to perform operations on Raster files, in sdk/lib/spectrum-raster-sdk-<version>.jar.
  • Javadocs: For developer’s reference, in the <extracted raster sdk zip>/sdk/javadoc folder.
  • C\C++ libraries: Required .dll or .so file specific to Operating System, in the <extracted raster sdk zip>/resources/ folder.