(USA) Geocoding Data Products Improvements

Location Accuracy Improvements

Geocoding data is for use with the following software: GeoStan Geocoding Suite, Precisely Spectrum, and MapMarker.

HERE Points:

Added over 125,314 address points. The HERE product now includes more than 127,865,580 address points. States with the highest percent of change were:

State Change % Change
SC 12,065 0.517
VA 16,235 0.485
GA 13,988 0.344
WA 7414 0.266
WI 6575 0.263

TomTom Points:

Added 240,602 address points. The TomTom product now includes more than 126,199,180 address points. States with the highest percent of change were:

State Change % Change
NY 104,695 1.720
MA 26,069 0.758
NE 4767 0.667
FL 50,075 0.500
TX 37,946 0.393

Master Location Data (MLD):

The MLD data product now includes more than 196,508,470 address points.

States with the highest percent of change were:

State Change % Change
NJ 22,617 0.456
OK 7892 0.334
CO 10,298 0.286
ND 1305 0.254
WA 11,083 0.251