(USA) Geocoding Data Products Improvements

Location Accuracy Improvements

Geocoding data is for use with the following software: GeoStan Geocoding Suite, Precisely Spectrum, and MapMarker.

HERE Points:

Added over 269,280 address points. The HERE product now includes more than 128,711,550 address points. States with the highest percent of change were:

State Change % Change
ME 11,383 1.620
CT 17,983 1.499
TX 118,191 1.135
AK 3106 0.976
CA 89,123 0.743

TomTom Points:

Added 146,913 address points. The TomTom product now includes more than 126,346,090 address points. States with the highest percent of change were:

State Change % Change
PR 2 1.047
TX 40,747 0.421
KY 6414 0.365
MI 14,014 0.335
MS 3485 0.326

Master Location Data (MLD):

The MLD data product now includes more than 193,588,560 address points.

States with the highest percent of change were:

State Change % Change
RI 6816 1.099
CT 19,799 1.013
NY 88,078 0.801
NJ 37,745 0.768
WY 2679 0.711