Response Description

Response Element Description
psapId The PSAP Id
type Values: enhanced, basic, military, non-9-1-1
agency PSAP name
phone Emergency number that is answered 24x7 Name of county where the PSAP is located
county.fips FIPS of county where the PSAP is located
coverage.area Coverage area of the PSAP
coverage.comments Additional comments about the PSAP's coverage
coverage.exceptions Areas excluded from the coverageArea
contactPerson.title Title of contact person
contactPerson.fullName Full name of the contact person
contactPerson.prefix Prefix (Mr, Mrs, etc.) for the contact person
contactPerson.firstName First name of contact person
contactPerson.lastName Last name of contact person Phone number of contact person
contactPerson.fax Fax number of contact person Email address of contact person
contactPerson.additionalDetails Comments regarding contact person Phone number of the PSAP site
siteDetails.fax Fax number of the PSAP site
siteDetails.contactName Name of the site contact person Email of the site contact person
siteDetails.address.formattedAddress Formatted Address is a combination of mainAddressLine, placeName, areaName4, areaName3, areaName2, areaName1, country, postCode, postCodeExt
siteDetails.address.mainAddressLine Main address line of the address.
siteDetails.address.addressLastLine Last line part of the site address of the PSAP
siteDetails.address.placeName Name of the place of the site address of the PSAP
siteDetails.address.areaName1 State/Province
siteDetails.address.areaName2 County/Region
siteDetails.address.areaName3 City/Town
siteDetails.address.areaName4 Suburb/Village
siteDetails.address.postCode Zip code part of the site address of the PSAP
siteDetails.address.postCodeExt Extended Zip code part of the site address of the PSAP Country part of the site address of the PSAP
siteDetails.address.addressNumber Address number part of the site address of the PSAP
siteDetails.address.streetName Street Name code part of the site address of the PSAP
siteDetails.address.unitType Type of address(Apartment/house) part of the site address of the PSAP
siteDetails.address.unitValue Apartment/House number part of the site address of the PSAP
mailingAddress.formattedAddress Formatted Address is a combination of this is combination of mainAddressLine, placeName, areaName4, areaName3, areaName2, areaName1, country, postCode, postCodeExt
mailingAddress.mainAddressLine Main address line of the address.
mailingAddress.addressLastLine Last line part of the site address of the PSAP
mailingAddress.placeName Name of the place of the mailing address of the PSAP
mailingAddress.areaName1 State/Province
mailingAddress.areaName2 County/Region
mailingAddress.areaName3 City/Town
mailingAddress.areaName4 Suburb/Village
mailingAddress.postCode Zip code part of the mailing address of the PSAP
mailingAddress.postCodeExt Extension Zip code part of the mailing address of the PSAP Country code of the mailing address of the PSAP
mailingAddress.addressNumber Address number part of the mailing address of the PSAP
mailingAddress.streetName Street name part of the mailing address of the PSAP
mailingAddress.unitType Type of house/Apartment of the mailing address of the PSAP
mailingAddress.unitValue Apartment/House number of the mailing address of the PSAP