Response Description

Parameter Description
AddressLine1 The first address line.
AddressLine2 The second address line.
City The city name.
Country The country code or name, in any of the following formats:
  • Two-character ISO 3116-1 Alpha-2 country code
  • Three-character ISO 3116-1 Alpha-3 country code
  • English country name
FirmName The company or firm name.
PostalCode The postal code for the address in one of the following formats:




A9A 9A9

9999 999

StateProvince The state or province.
OutputCasing Specifies the casing of the output data. It can be:


The output in mixed case (default). For example:

123 Main St

Mytown FL 12345


The output in upper case. For example:



Status Reports the success or failure of the match attempt.

Null: Success

F: Failure

Status.Code Reason for failure, if there is one.
  • InsufficientInputData
  • MultipleMatchesFound
  • UnableToValidate
  • UnableToDPVConfirm
Status.Description Description of the problem, if there is one.
  • Possible Multiple Addresses Found: This value will appear if Status.Code=MultipleMatchesFound.
  • Address Not Found: This value will appear if Status.Code=UnableToValidate.
Block Address It is the formatted address, as it would appear on a physical mail piece. The block address is formatted using the standards of the applicable postal authority. For example, below is a sample block address of United States:

Parliament PL STE 600

Lanham MD 20706-1882

United States

Confidence The level of confidence assigned to the address being returned. Range is from zero (0) to 100; zero indicates no confidence, 100 indicates a very high level of confidence that the match results are correct. For multiple matches, the confidence level is 0.

Mentions the address component that could not be validated, in case no match is found.










Note: More than one component may be returned, in a comma-separated list.

A two character code indicating overall quality of the resulting address (For example: V5 and C3). This differences from confidence as it does not take into account how much address had to be change.

The first character indicates generally how address was processed:

C: Verified with correction

G: Verified using Geocode engine

M: Multiple addresses matching

U: Unmatched with reference data

V: Verified without change

The second character indicates the precision of the address:

5: Delivery point confirmed to be deliverable address.

4: House number or Building Name are within a valid range or known name but can not confirm 100% that premise is deliverable.

3: Street name is valid but house number may not be.

2: City exists but can not confirm street does.

1: State exists but can not confirm City does

0: can not confirm any part of address exists


A single letter code that indicates the type of address.

F: The address is validated or corrected to the firm name.

B: The address is validated or corrected to the building name.

G: The address is a general delivery address.

H: The address is validated or corrected to the high-rise default.

L: The address is a large volume receiver.

M: The address is a military address.

P: The address is validated or corrected to PO box.

R: The address is validated or corrected to a rural route.

S: The address is validated or corrected to a street address.

U: The address type is unknown.

Locality The meaning of locality varies by country. Generally a locality is a village in rural areas or it may be a suburb in urban areas. When used, the locality typically appears in the last line of the address with the postcode.

A value of 0 and 100 that reflects how much the address has changed to make it valid, excluding standardization of terms (for example: ‘street’ to ‘ST’) and mild reformatting of terms. If the address changes too much, it is risker to use.

A value of 100 means no changes to the address were needed. 0 means the address is completely invalid.

This value is used to assist the caller to determine whether the address is safe enough to use. Exactly which value to determine whether an address is safe or not depends on the use case.

A common threshold value is 75, where 75 and above is treated as safe and below 75 is considered risky, for which, confirmation would need to be sought. Other businesses might use 85 or 60 as their threshold depending on the impact of an incorrect address to their business.
Note: This field is displayed when OutputRecordType option contains A (default)
PostalCode.AddOn The 4-digit add-on part of the ZIP Code™. For example, in the ZIP Code™ 60655-1844, 1844 is the 4-digit add-on. (U.S. addresses only.)
PostalCode.Base The 5-digit ZIP Code™; for example 20706 (U.S. addresses only).
AdditionalInputData Input data not used by the address validation process

An estimate of confidence that an item mailed or shipped to this address would be successfully delivered. It is one of these:

5 – Item will be delivered

4 – Very confident it is a deliverable address but postal service does not provide data to be 100% certain

3 – Should be deliverable

2 – Might be delivered

1 – Doubt it would be delivered

0 – Extremely unlikely to be delivered


Type of address record, as defined by U.S. and Canadian postal authorities (supported for U.S. and Canadian addresses only):








Code indicating the "default" match:

Y: The address matches a default record

null: The address does not match a default record


Indicates which address component had multiple matches, if multiple matches were found:







Note: More than one component may be returned, in a comma-separated list.
CountryLevel The category of address matching available.

A: The address is in a country for which there is highly detailed postal data available. Addresses in this match level can have these address elements validated and corrected, and added if missing from the input:

Postal codeCity nameState/county name

Street address elementsCountry name

B: The address is in a country for which there is a medium level of postal data available. Addresses in this match level can have these address elements validated and corrected, and added if missing from the input:

Postal code

City name

State/county name

Country name

C: The address is in a country for which the postal data is least detailed. Addresses in this match level can have these actions performed on them:

Validate and correct country name (cannot supply missing country name)

Validate the format of the postal code (cannot supply missing postal code or validate the code)


The type of address data being returned:

F: French format (for example: 123 Rue Main)

E: English format (for example: 123 Main St)

HouseNumber House number, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3
LeadingDirectional Leading directional, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3
StreetName Street name, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3
StreetSuffix Street suffix, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3
TrailingDirectional Trailing directional, for example: 123 Pennsylvania Ave NW
ApartmentLabel Apartment designator (such as STE or APT), for example: 123 E Main St APT 3
ApartmentNumber Apartment number, for example: 123 E Main St APT 3
ApartmentLabel2 Secondary apartment designator, for example: 123 E Main St APT 3, 4th Floor
ApartmentNumber2 Secondary apartment number. For example: 123 E Main St APT 3, 4th Floor
RRHC Rural Route/Highway Contract indicator
PrivateMailbox Private mailbox indicator
PrivateMailbox.Type The type of private mailbox. Possible values are:



HouseNumber.Input House number, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3
LeadingDirectional.Input Leading directional, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3
StreetName.Input Street name, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3
StreetSuffix.Input Street suffix, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3
TrailingDirectional.Input Trailing directional, for example: 123 Pennsylvania Ave NW
ApartmentLabel.Input Apartment designator (such as STE or APT), for example: 123 E Main St APT 3
ApartmentNumber.Input Apartment number, for example: 123 E Main St APT 3
RRHC.Input Rural Route/Highway Contract indicator
POBox.Input Post office box number. If the address is a rural route address, the rural route box number will appear here.
PrivateMailbox.Input Private mailbox indicator

The type of private mailbox. Possible values include:



City.Input Validated city name
StateProvince.Input Validated state or province name
PostalCode.Input Validated postal code. For U.S. addresses, this is the ZIP Code

Country. Format is determined by what you selected in OutputCountryFormat:

ISO Code

UPU Code





FirmName.Input The validated firm or company name.

The possible results are:

A: Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. Canadian addresses only.

C: Corrected. Canadian addresses only.

D: Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. addresses only. For more information, see About Additional Input Data.

F: Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

O: Out of range. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Canadian addresses only.

R: The house number is required but is missing from the input address. Canadian addresses only.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

U: Unmatched.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.


The possible values are:

A: Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

C: Corrected. Non-blank input was corrected to a non-blank value. U.S. addresses only.

D: Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. addresses only. For more information, see About Additional Input Data.

F: Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

M: Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. U.S. addresses only.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Canadian addresses only.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations.

U: Unmatched

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. Does not apply to Canadian addresses.


These result codes apply to international addresses only.

M: Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output.

R: Street corrected. House number is out of range. Applies to French, UK, and Japanese records only.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations.

U: Unmatched

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.


A: Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. Canadian addresses only.

C: Corrected. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

D: Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. addresses only. For more information, see About Additional Input Data.

F: Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

M: Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. U.S. addresses only.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Does not apply to U.S. addresses.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

U: Unmatched.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.


This result code applies to U.S. addresses only.

Abbreviated: The alias is an abbreviation of the street name. For example, HARTS-NM RD is an abbreviated alias for HARTSVILLE NEW MARLBORO RD.

Changed: There has been an official street name change and the alias reflects the new name. For example if SHINGLE BROOK RD is changed to CANNING DR, then CANNING DR would be a changed alias type.

Other: The street alias is made up of other names for the street or common abbreviations of the street.

Preferred: The street alias is the locally preferred alias. For example, a street is named "South Shore Dr." because it runs along the southern shore of a lake, not because it is south of a municipal demarcation line. So, "South" is not a predirectional in this case and should not be shorted to "S". So, "South Shore Dr." would be the preferred alias.


A: Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

C: Corrected. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

D: Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. For more information, see About Additional Input Data.

F: Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

M: Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. U.S. addresses only.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Canadian addresses only.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations.

U: Unmatched. Does not apply to U.S. addresses.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input


A: Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

C: Corrected. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

D: Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. For more information, see About Additional Input Data.

F: Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

M: Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. U.S. addresses only.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Canadian addresses only.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations.

U: Unmatched. Does not apply to Canadian addresses.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input


The possible results are:

A: Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

C: Corrected. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

D: Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. For more information, see About Additional Input Data

F: Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

R: The apartment label is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations.

U: Unmatched. Does not apply to Canadian addresses.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input


The possible values are:

A: Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

C: Corrected. Canadian addresses only.

D: Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. addresses only. For more information, see About Additional Input Data.

F: Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. U.S. addresses that are an EWS match will have a value of P. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

R: The apartment number is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. Does not apply to U.S. addresses.

U: Unmatched.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.


The possible results are:

A: Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

C: Corrected. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

D: Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. and Canadian addresses only. For more information, see About Additional Input Data

F: Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

R: The apartment label is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations.

U: Unmatched. Does not apply to Canadian addresses.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.


The possible values are:

A: Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

C: Corrected. Canadian addresses only.

D: Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. addresses only. For more information, see About Additional Input Data.

F: Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. U.S. addresses that are an EWS match will have a value of P. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

R: The apartment number is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. Does not apply to U.S. addresses.

U: Unmatched.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.


C: Corrected. Canadian addresses only.

D: Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. addresses only. For more information, see About Additional Input Data.

M: Multiple matches. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. U.S. addresses only.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Canadian addresses only.

R: The rural route/highway contract is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

U: Unmatched. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.


These result codes apply to U.S. addresses only.

HC: The address is a Highway Contract address.

RR: The address is a Rural Route address.


A: Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. Canadian addresses only.

C: Corrected. Canadian addresses only.

D: Dropped. The field provided on input was removed. U.S. addresses only. For more information, see About Additional Input Data.

F: Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

M: Multiple matches. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. U.S. addresses only.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Canadian addresses only.

R: The P.O. Box number is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations.

U: Unmatched

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input


: Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

C: Corrected. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

F: Hyphens missing or punctuation errors. Canadian addresses only.

M: Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output.

R: The city is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. Does not apply to U.S. addresses.

U: Unmatched. Does not apply to Canadian addresses.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.


A: Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

C: Corrected. U.S. addresses only.

M: Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output.

R: The state is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. Does not apply to U.S. addresses.

U: Unmatched. Does not apply to Canadian addresses.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.


A: Appended. The field was added to a blank input field. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

C: Corrected. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

F: Formatted. The spacing and/or punctuation was changed to conform to postal standards. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

M: Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field. Does not apply to Canadian addresses.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. Does not apply to U.S. addresses.

R: The postal code is required but is missing from the input address. U.S. addresses only.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations. Does not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

U: Unmatched. For example, if the street name does not match the postal code, both StreetName.Result and PostalCode.Result will contain U.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.


These result codes apply to international addresses only.

M: Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations.

U: Unmatched.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.


These result codes apply to international addresses only.

M: Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations.

U: Unmatched.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.


These result codes apply to U.S. addresses only.

FinanceNumber: The ZIP Code™ in the input was verified by using USPS®Finance Number groupings.

ZIPMOVE: The ZIP Code™ in the input address was corrected because the USPS® redrew ZIP Code™ boundaries and the address is now in a different ZIP Code™.


Indicates the type of postal code returned.

P: The ZIP Code™ contains only PO Box addresses. U.S. addresses only.

U: The ZIP Code™ is a unique ZIP Code™ assigned to a specific company or location. U.S. addresses only.

M: The ZIP Code™ is for military addresses. U.S. addresses only.

null: The ZIP Code™ is a standard ZIP Code™.


These result codes do not apply to U.S. or Canadian addresses.

M: Multiple. The input address matched multiple records in the postal database, and each matching record has a different value in this field.

S: Standardized. This option includes any standard abbreviations.

U: Unmatched.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input.


Indicates if the firm name got validated.

C: Corrected. U.S. addresses only.

P: Pass-through. The data was not used in the validation process, but it was preserved in the output. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

U: Unmatched. U.S. and Canadian addresses only.

V: Validated. The data was confirmed correct and remained unchanged from input. U.S. addresses only.


Indicates the result of preferred alias processing.

null: No preferred alias processing attempted.

A: Preferred alias processing was not attempted because the input address matched to an alias. Preferred alias processing is only attempted for base addresses.

N: No preferred alias found.

Y: A preferred alias was found for the input address. The StreetName field contains the preferred alias.

Latitude Seven-digit number in degrees, calculated to four decimal places (in the format you specified)
Note: It will be displayed only for validated addresses.
Longitude Seven-digit number in degrees, calculated to four decimal places (in the format specified)
Note: It will be displayed only for validated addresses.