Post Request Parameters

Note: Maximum number of records in a Micro-batch POST request is limited to 25.

All addresses use this format regardless of the country of the address.

Parameter Format Description
AddressLine1 String The first address line.
AddressLine2 String The second address line.
City String The city name.
Country String The country code or name, in any of the following formats:
  • Two-character ISO 3116-1 Alpha-2 country code
  • Three-character ISO 3116-1 Alpha-3 country code
  • English country name
FirmName String The company or firm name.
PostalCode String The postal code for the address in one of the following formats:




A9A 9A9

9999 999

StateProvince String The state or province.
OutputCasing String Specifies the casing of the output data. It can be:


The output in mixed case (default). For example:

123 Main St

Mytown FL 12345


The output in upper case. For example:



OutputScript String Specifies the alphabet or script in which the output should be returned. This option is bi-directional and generally takes place from Native to Latin and Latin to Native.

Input Script: Do not perform transliteration and provide output in the same script as the input (default).

Native: Output in the native script for the selected country wherever possible.

Latn: Use English values.

OutputAddressBlocks String Specifies whether to return a formatted version of the address as it would be printed on a physical mailpiece. Each line of the address is returned in a separate address block field.

The possible values are:

N: No, do not return address blocks.

Y: Yes, return address blocks (Default).

KeepMultimatch String Specifies whether or not to return multiple address for those input addresses that have more than one possible match.

Y: Yes, return multiple matches .

N: No, do not return multiple matches (default).

OutputCountryFormat String Specifies the format to use for the country name returned in the Country output field. For example, if you select English, the country name "Deutschland" would be returned as "Germany".

E: Use English country names (default).

I: Use two-letter ISO abbreviation for the countries instead of country names.

U: Use Universal Postal Union abbreviation for the countries instead of country names.

MaximumResults String A number between 1 and 10 that indicates the maximum number of addresses to return. The default is 10.