Response Description

Response Element Description
page Page number of the POI results
candidates Total POI candidates in the response
PreciselyID The unique Precisely ID.
addressNumber Address number of the address
streetName Street name, for example: 123 E Main St Apt 3.
unitType Apartment/House type of the address
unitValue Apartment/House number of the address
areaName1 State/Province
areaName2 County/Region
areaName3 City/Town
areaName4 Suburb/Village
postCode Zip code part of the address
postCodeExt Extended Zip code
country Country name
parentPbKey The unique PreciselyID
geoId Geolocation Id
propertyType Type of property. For example, 'R'.
propertyTypeDescription Description of the property type. For example 'Residential'.
geometry.latitude Latitude of the geometry
geometry.longitude Longitude of the geometry