Post Request Parameters

Parameter Description Usage
geometry Represents a Polygon geometry in GeoJSON or GML Format (based on request format). Polygon should contain atleast 3 points.

The type of geometry should be 'Polygon'. 'Multipolygon' Geometry is not accepted.

Only WGS84(epsg:4326) CRS value is supported.

Required, either one of them.
geometryAsText Text which represents a polygon in WKT format along with CRS (optional). Polygon should contain atleast 3 points.

Only WGS84(epsg:4326) CRS value is supported.

  • SRID=4326;POLYGON((75.15 29.53 1,77 29 1,77.6 29.5 1,75.15 29.53 1))
  • polygon((75.15 29.53 1,77 29 1,77.6 29.5 1,75.15 29.53 1));SRID=4326
  • POLYGON((75.15 29.53 1,77 29 1,77.6 29.5 1,75.15 29.53 1))

Default, and the only allowed value of SRID is 4326 i.e WGS84.


Three below parameters are preference attributes.

profile Retrieves the sorted demographic data on the basis of pre-defined profiles that can display the top 3 or top 5 results either in ascending or descending order. Optional
filter Demographic data is categorized into themes (for example; populationTheme, raceAndEthnicityTheme, healthTheme etc.), and the ‘filter’ parameter helps narrow down the search results based upon the specified demographic themes, for example; populationTheme, raceAndEthnicityTheme, healthTheme etc.

The ‘filter’ parameter retrieves the demographic data based upon the specified input themes.

Theme Types:Themes vary by country. Themes applicable to one country may not be necessarily applicable to another country. Refer to “Appendix A: Countries and Applicable Themes - Demographics” section for more details.

The filter parameter is optional, if not provided, this service retrieves demographic data available for all themes. Demographic data search can be performed based upon single or multiple themes. Maximum number of themes that can be provided in the filter parameter are 10.

includeGeometry include Geometry.

If Y, demographic boundaries are returned in the response.
