Create External User Defined Function with Request Translator for Verify

Typically Request translator is used to provide custom preferences instead of relying on default Verify API's preferences. In this example we are defining a custom translator which will remove any PBKEY from the API response.

create or replace function aws_geocode_request_translator(event object)
                returns object
                language javascript as
                var preferences={
                "type": "DefaultPreferences",
                "customPreferences": {},
                "fallbackToGeographic": true,
                "fallbackToPostal": true,
                "returnOfAdditionalFields": [],
                "maxResults": 1,
                "factoryDescription": {
                "label": "ggs",
                "featureSpecific": {}
                "returnAllInfo": false
                return {"body": {"preferences":preferences, "data"}};';
To use the Request Translator user needs to pass it to the external user defined function as highlighted below:
create or replace external function verify(address object)
                returns variant
                api_integration = API_INTEGRATION
                REQUEST_TRANSLATOR = aws_geocode_request_translator
                HEADERS = ('headers-api-key'= '<<DIS API KEY>>', 'headers-api-secret'='<<DIS API SECRET>>',
                 'application'= 'dis-geoaddressing')
                MAX_BATCH_ROWS = 25
                as '';
                create or replace table all_data_result as 
                select select ID,addressline1,city,state,zip,  
                'addressId', iff(ADDRESSLINE1 is not null, ADDRESSLINE1,'')
                ,'addressLines', array_construct(iff(ADDRESSLINE1 is not null, ADDRESSLINE1,''))
                ,'city',iff(city is not null, city,'')
                ,'admin1',iff(state  is not  null, state,'')
                ,'postalCode',iff(zip  is not  null, zip,'')
                ) as sentObject
                , geocode(sentObject) from all_data  where country = 'UNITED STATES OF AMERICA' ;

Below is an example for Format 5 UDF using Request Translator.