Sample Response: JSON


The following is an example of a request for the Capabilities service. In this example, the request is for the capabilities for Great Britain.

GET​capabilities?country=GBR HTTP/1.1 
JSON Response

The following shows the JSON response returned by the previous request. This response is an abbreviated view.

   "serviceName": "GeocodeService",
   "serviceDescription": "Provides a method to geocode and reverse geocode",
   "coreVersion": "",
   "supportedCountries": ["GBR"],
   "supportedOperations":    [
         "name": "geocode",
         "requiredInputs": [         {
            "name": "address",
            "description": "The input address",
            "type": "Address",
            "defaultValue": null,
            "lowBoundary": null,
            "highBoundary": null,
            "allowedValuesWithDescriptions": {}
         "optionalInputs":          [
               "name": "type",
               "description": "Indicates what kind of geocode to perform",
               "type": "ONEOF",
               "defaultValue": "address",
               "lowBoundary": null,
               "highBoundary": null,
               "allowedValuesWithDescriptions":                {
                  "geographic": "geographic",
                  "postal": "postal",
                  "address": "address",
                  "custom": "custom"
               "name": "preferences",
               "description": "Contains preferences and constraints",
               "type": "Preferences",
               "defaultValue": null,
               "lowBoundary": null,
               "highBoundary": null,
               "allowedValuesWithDescriptions": {}
         "outputs": [         {
            "name": "responses",
            "description": "The geocoded address information",
            "type": "Response"
         "supportLevels": [         {
            "supportedDataLevel": 7,
            "countries": ["GBR"],
            "updatedRequiredInputs": [],
            "updatedOptionalInputs": [],
            "updatedOptionalOutputs": []
               "name": "candidates",
               "input": null,
               "output":                {
                  "name": "candidates",
                  "description": "ordered list of matching candidates",
                  "type": "LIST<Candidate>"