Query Parameters

Parameter Description Usage
mac A 48-bit (6octet) MAC address of the Access Point (AP) serving the Basic Service Set (BSS).
For example - AC:7B:A1:41:5B:FE or AC-7B-A1-41-5B-FE
Note: Run the following command to find the MAC address or BSSID of visible WiFi access points from a windows machine:
netsh wlan show network mode=bssid
ssid The service set identifier for Wi-fi access point. It is alphanumeric with maximum 32 characters. Optional
rssi Indicates the strength of the received signal from particular wi-fi access point. It is a number lying between -113 to 0 and its unit is dBm. Optional
speed The connection speed for Wi-fi. It is a number lying between 0 to 6930 and its unit is Mbps. Optional
accessPoint JSON based list of WiFi access points in the vicinity of device to be located. This parameter is helpful in calculating the precise location of the device when multiple WiFi points are visible.

For example:

Note: It is recommended that the access point to which the device is connected, is passed as 1st access point in the list.
Required (If MAC is not provided, else Optional.)