HTTP Response Status Codes

Below are the HTTP status codes along with a brief summary of their commonly-accepted usage. These status acodes are returned by Precisely APIs in case of relevant event occurrence:

HTTP Status Code Description Response Body
200 (OK) Success status code to indicate success. No error.
Note: The response is returned blank if the data does not exist.
201 (CREATED) Resource successfully created. Resource Id that was created
400 (BAD REQUEST) Invalid URI or query parameter. Error message
401 (UNAUTHORIZED) Authorization required. Empty
403 (FORBIDDEN) Authentication failed. Empty
404 (NOT FOUND) Resource not found Empty
405 (METHOD NOT ALLOWED) The operation (e.g. DELETE) you tried to perform on the resource is not allowed. Empty
406 (NOT ACCEPTABLE) The requested media type specified in the Accept header is not supported. The supported media types include application/JSON. Empty
500 (INTERNAL SERVER ERROR) Internal error. Empty