Taxrate by Address POST Request
The POST request enables you to submit a single input address or a list of
addresses for batch processing. 'Taxrate by Address' POST service retrieves tax rates
applicable to a specific address. It accepts a list of address(es)
as POST request parameters and
as path parameters. The output consists of list of
corresponding tax rate details for the specific area where addresses fall.
Multiple requests can be processed in a single request. The tax rates can be retrieved for the following tax types:
- General Tax
- Auto Tax
- Medical Tax
- Construction Tax
'General', 'Auto', 'Medical' or 'Construction' value must be passed as input in the 'taxType' parameter to retrieve the tax rate as per the specific tax type.
Note: In case of all tax types; Auto, General, Medical and Construction, the Sales Tax rate and
Use Tax rate is calculated and returned in the response.