Query Parameters

Parameter Description Usage
address Free form address text Required
attributes Acceptable comma-separated values are:
  • all
    Note: If customer provides input parameter for attributes as "all", customer will be charged for all the attributes (1 credit per property attribute).
  • pbKey
  • propApn
  • propType
  • propSqFt
  • propLinkId
  • buildgSqFt
  • buildgSqFtSource
  • landUse
  • construction
  • subdivision
  • geometry
  • geoId
  • builtYear
  • bedrooms
  • baths
  • pool
  • fireplace
  • mobileHome
  • heatingType
  • coolingType
  • assessedValue
  • marketValue
  • taxAmount
  • taxExemptions
  • caExemptions
  • appraisedValue
  • salesDate
  • priorSaleDate
  • priorSalesPrice
  • stories
  • buildgFeaturesSqFt
  • livingSqFt
  • roofFrameType
  • foundation
  • buildgUnitNo
  • buildgCount
  • buildgCondition
  • roofCoverType
  • taxAddress
  • vacancy
  • owners
  • appraisedValueImp
  • assessedValueImp
  • buildgType
  • basementType
  • effectiveBuiltYear
  • exteriorWalls
  • garageType
  • lastUpdated
  • marketValueImp
  • absenteeOwner
  • parkingSqFt
  • replacementCost
  • roofShapeType
  • buildgStyle
  • basementSqFt
  • ownerType
  • OwnerVestType
  • elevator
  • formattedTaxAddress
  • situsAddress
  • propApnSequence
  • fipsCode
  • propZoning
  • locCode
  • legalMapRef
  • legalAssessorDesc
  • legalFullDesc
  • legalLotCode
  • legalLotNumber
  • legalLandLot
  • legalTractNumber
  • legalBlock
  • legalSection
  • legalDistrict
  • legalUnitNumber
  • legalPhaseNumber
  • legalSubName
  • legalTownMuniName
  • legalSectionTownshipRange
  • propAcres
  • propFrontFootage
  • propDepthFootage
  • buildgView
  • propSiteInfluene
  • buildgName
  • buildgQuality
  • buildgImproveType
  • grossSqft
  • adjGrossSqft
  • buildgClass
  • interiorWall
  • floorType
  • rooms
  • otherRooms
  • partialBaths
  • bathFixtures
  • plumbingFixtures
  • fireplaceType
  • parkingCapacity
  • poolType
  • energyType
  • fuelType
  • sewerType
  • waterType
  • amenities
  • extraFeatureSqft
  • buildgImproveArea
  • taxAccountNumber
  • taxTapeCutDate
  • taxDocType
  • taxSalesPrice
  • taxSalesPriceCode
  • recBookNumber
  • recPageNumber
  • recDocNumber
  • priorSaleDocType
  • priorSaleCode
  • priorSaleFolioNumber
  • priorSalePageNumber
  • priorSaleDocNumber
  • taxYear
  • taxDelYear
  • assessedYear
  • assessedLandValue
  • marketValueYear
  • marketValueLand
  • appraisedValueLand
  • taxRateCode
Note: Customer can add a maximum of 50 comma separated attributes.