Response Description

This table describes the response elements.

Response Element Description
parcelApn Unique parcel APN derived from parcel geometry. May differ from TAX_APN obtained from tax assessor.
geoId Geography ID; 15-digit ID from TIGER Block (state FIPS, county FIPS, census tract, block group, and block)
center.type Returns Multipolygon that is an array of parcel boundary coordinate points.


List of points (longitude, latitude, elevation) that form the parcel boundary.


LON = Parcel location longitude (WGS84). Calculated from parcel geometry so that the resulting coordinate is inside the parcel.

LAT = Parcel location latitude (WGS84). Calculated from parcel geometry so that the resulting coordinate is inside the parcel.

ELEVATION = Elevation of parcel coordinate corresponding to LAT and LON, in feet. Value will be -9,999 when no elevation data is available.

countyfips Combination of state (first two digits) and county (second three digits) FIPS codes in which the parcel is located
parcelAreaSqFt Parcel area in square feet, rounded to nearest square foot. Max area is 967,730,679,493 square feet.
geometry Representation of parcel polygon geometry (WKT format only) Unique feature ID for boundary record. Also primary key for this table. Use this field to join to the Parcel Addresses table.
parcelList.preciselyId Unique ID for addressable location. Also referred to as the PreciselyID.
parcelList.parentPreciselyId Parent PreciselyID for the primary street address. Applicable only if record contains a secondary address (apt., unit, suite, etc.).
parcelList.taxApn Property APN/ID as inventoried by local tax authority
parcelList.taxAccountNumber Arbitrary parcel identifier, assigned by the assessing agency for tax purposes. Present when provided in assessment file.
parcelList.propLinkId Link ID between Precisely's Parcel Boundaries and Property Attributes Assessment datasets
parcelList.address.mainAddressLine Formatted first line of the property's physical address. Consists of address number, pre-directional, street name, street type, and post-directional.
parcelList.address.unitType Unit designator (apt., unit, etc.)
parcelList.address.unitValue Unit number
parcelList.address.areaName3 City in which parcel is located
parcelList.address.areaName1 State abbreviation
parcelList.address.postCode 5-digit ZIP Code
parcelList.address.postCodeExt ZIP+4 extension
adjacentParcelBoundary Adjacent Parcels means parcels that share at least one common boundary