Response Description

Response Element Description
directionStyle Specifies 'directionStyle' as: 'None', 'Normal' and 'Terse'. Default: 'None'.
distance Refers to the total length of the route.
distanceUnit Unit in which distance is returned. Default: 'm'
language Language in which travel directions are returned. Default: English
routeDirections.distance Route is divided into multiple segments called 'routeDirections'. 'distance' is the distance of a specific route direction.
routeDirections.distanceUnit 'distanceUnit' is the unit in which distance is specified for a specific route direction.
routeDirections.instruction 'instruction' refers to the common description of instructions for the specified routeDirection/segment, such as, 'take left' or 'take right' or 'go straight'.
routeDirections.time Route is divided into multiple segments called 'routeDirections'. 'time' is the travel time of that routeDirection.
routeDirections.timeUnit 'timeUnit' is the unit in which time is specified for a specific route direction.
time 'time' is the travel time of the route.

Unit in which Time is returned. Default: 'min'