Query Parameters

Parameter Description Usage
address The address around which major intersections including other street information needs to be searched. Required
roadClass Filter for types of roads to be included in the junction. Allowed values are major, motorway, otheror all.
Road classification codes are:
  • A: Local (minor) - toll
  • C: Local connecting - non-toll
  • D: Local non-toll
  • E: Local - toll
  • F: Local connecting - toll
  • G: Major - non-toll
  • H: Ferry
  • I: Major - non-toll
  • L: Local (important) - non-toll
  • M: Motorway - non-toll
  • N: Motorway - toll
  • P: Other Major - non-toll
  • Q: Other Major - toll
  • R: Local (minor) - non-toll
  • S:Secondary - non-toll
  • T: Secondary - toll
  • U: Other - non-toll
  • V: Other - toll
  • W: Local (important) - toll
  • Z: Limited Access/Private Road/Pedestrian
driveTime Drive time to reach the junction. Minimum value is 1 minute and maximum 150 minutes. Optional
driveTimeUnit Drive time unit can be Hours, Minutes, Seconds, and Milliseconds. Default value is Minutes. Optional
searchRadius Search Radius within which the nearest junctions are required to be searched. This is only configurable when driveTime is not provided. The default value is 10 miles and the maximum limit is 50 miles. Optional
searchRadiusUnit Search Radius units can be Miles, Kilometers, Feet, and Meters. Optional
historicSpeed The average driving speed around the searched junction in different hours of a day. The allowed values are none, AMPeak, PMPeak, OffPeak, and Night. Optional
maxCandidates Maximum number of junctions to be searched. The maximum value is 10 with driveTime and 1 with searchRadius. Optional