Response Description

Response Element Description
maxSpeed The maximum speed limit.
speedUnit The speed limit unit. This can be either MPH (Miles per Hour) or KPH (Kilometer per Hour).
speedVerification The identifier to verified/modeled speed limits.
amPeakAvgSpeed The average speed along the road segment during 7:00 AM till 10: AM.
pmPeakAvgSpeed The average speed along the road segment during 4:00 PM till 7:00 PM.
offPeakAvgSpeed The average speed along the road segment during 10:00 AM till 4:00 PM.
nightAvgSpeed The average speed along the road segment during 10:00 PM till 4:00 AM.
weekAvgSpeed The average speed along the road segment for the complete week. The unique value representing feature id of the road. The official name of road.
road.altName The alternate name of road.
roadClass The road classification:
  • Local (minor) - toll
  • Local connecting - non-toll
  • Local non-toll
  • Local - toll
  • Local connecting - toll
  • Major - toll
  • Major - non-toll
  • Local (important) - non-toll
  • Motorway - non-toll
  • Motorway - toll
  • Other Major - non-toll
  • Other Major - toll
  • Local (minor) - non-toll
  • Secondary - non-toll
  • Secondary - toll
  • Other - non-toll
  • Other - toll
  • Local (important) - toll
road.type The type representing if the road is single or dual carriageway.
lengthInMeters The road segment length in meters.
routeNumber The primary route number.
surfaceType The representation of the road condition. If it is Sealed (concrete, bitumen, asphalt, spray seal), or Unsealed (gravel, metaled, natural), or in Poor condition.
trafficFlow The representation of the traffic flow. For example:

One way, Two way, Traffic flow in positive direction only, Traffic flow in negative direction only, No Traffic allowed, Temporal change in direction.

isToll Indicated if the road segment is part of a Toll Road.

Indicates the level at the start of the road segment.

Ground level

Above ground

Under ground

Indicates the level at the end of the road segment.

Ground level

Above ground

Under ground