Response Description

Response Element Description
center Coordinates of the input address that acts as the center of the boundary region.
distance Specifies the distance between the input address and the outer boundary of the region.
distance.unit Unit in which the distance is measured.
geometry.type Polygon
geometry.coordinates Longitude (WGS 84 datum/EPSG:4326 coordinate system).
matchedAddress.formattedAddress Formatted Address is a combination of mainAddressLine and addressLastLine.
matchedAddress.mainAddressLine Main address line of the address
matchedAddress.addressLastLine Last line part of the site address
matchedAddress.placeName Name of the place of the site address
matchedAddress.areaName1 State/Province
matchedAddress.areaName2 County/Region
matchedAddress.areaName3 City/Town
matchedAddress.areaName4 Suburb/Village
matchedAddress.postCode 5-digit ZIP Code with or without a hyphen
matchedAddress.postCodeExt Zip code extension The 3-character ISO country code
matchedAddress.addressNumber Address number of the address
matchedAddress.streetName Street name of the address
matchedAddress.unitType Apartment/House type of the address
matchedAddress.unitValue Apartment/House number of the address