Viewing Record-Level Match Results
Detailed results displays a collection of details about match records for match results set.
To display detailed results:
- In the Match Analysis tool, specify a baseline job and, optionally, a comparison job.
Click Details.
The baseline match results are displayed based on the selected view in the Show drop-down list. The following table lists the columns displayed for each match stage type.
Table 1. Detailed Results Data Displayed Detail-Related Results
Input Record Number
Match Group
Express Key
Express Key Driver Record
Collection Number
Match Record Type
Fields used by the rules
Overall (top-level) rule score
Candidate Group
Match ScoreSelect a match results in the Match Results List and then click Remove.
For information about the match rate chart, see Match Rate Chart.
In the Analyze field, choose one of the follwing:
- Baseline
- Displays the match results from the baseline run.
- Comparison
- Displays the match results of the comparison run.
Select one of the following values from the show list
and then click Refresh. If you are analyzing baseline
results, the options are:
- Suspects with Candidates: (All matchers) Displays suspect records and all candidate records that attempted to match to each suspect.
- Suspects with Duplicates: (All matchers) Displays all suspect records and candidate records that matched to each suspect.
- Suspects with Express Matches: (Interflow Match and Intraflow Match, when Express Match Key is enabled) Displays suspect and candidate records that match based on the Express Match Key.
- Duplicate Collections: (Intraflow and Interflow) Displays all duplicate collections by collection number.
- Match Groups: (Intraflow and Interflow) Displays records by match groups.
- Candidate Groups: (Transactional Match) Displays records by candidate groups.
- Unique Suspects: (Interflow and Transactional Match) Displays all suspect records that did not match to any candidate records.
- Unique Records: (Intraflow) Displays all non-matched records.
- Suspects without Candidates: (Interflow and Transactional Match) Displays all suspects that contained no candidates to match against.
- All Records: Displays all records processed by the matching stage.
If you are analyzing comparison results, the show options are:
- New Matches: (Intraflow) Displays all new matches and its related suspects. This view combines the results of Suspects with New Duplicates and New Suspects into one view.
- New Matched Suspects: (Interflow and Transactional Match) Displays suspects that had no duplicates in the baseline but have at least one duplicate in the comparison.
- New Unique Suspects: (Interflow and Transactional Match) Displays suspects that had duplicates in the baseline but have none in the comparison.
- Missed Matches: (Intraflow) Displays all missed matches. This view combines the results of Suspects with Missed Duplicates and Missed Suspects into one view.
- Suspects with New Duplicates: (All matchers) Displays records that are new duplicates for records that were suspects in the baseline and remained suspects in the comparison.
- Suspects with Missed Duplicates: (All matchers) Displays records that are missed duplicates for records that were suspects in the baseline and remained suspects in the comparison.
- New Suspects: (Intraflow) Displays records that are suspects in the comparison match result, but were not Suspects in the baseline.
- Missed Suspects (Intraflow) Displays records that are not suspects in the comparison result, but were suspects in the baseline.
- Expand a suspect record to view its candidates.
Select a candidate record and click Details.
Note: This option is not available when Sliding Window is enabled in Intraflow Match stages.
The Record Details window shows field-level data as well as the record's match score for each match rule. If you specified both a baseline and a comparison job run, you can see the record's results for both baseline and comparison runs.
- Baseline Input—Displays the field level data, from both the suspect and candidate, used in the match.
- Baseline Match Details—Displays scoring information for each node in the match rules.
- Comparison Input—Displays the field level data, from both the suspect and candidate, used in the match.
- Comparison Match Details—Displays scoring information for each node in the match rules. Green text represents a match for a node in the rules. Red text represents a non-match for a node in the rules.