Viewing a Summary of Match Results

The Match Analysis tool can display summary information about the matching processes in a dataflow, such as the number of duplicate records, the average match score, and so on. You can view the results of a single job or you can compare results between multiple jobs.

  1. In Enterprise Designer, open the dataflow you want to analyze.
  2. For each Interflow Match, Intraflow Match, or Transactional match stage whose matching you want to analyze, double-click the stage and select the Generate data for analysis check box.
    Important: Enabling the Generate data for analysis option reduces performance. You should turn this option off when you are finished using the Match Analysis tool.
  3. Select Run > Run Current Flow
    Note: For optimal results, use data that will produce 100,000 or fewer records. The more match results, the slower the performance of the Match Analysis tool.
  4. When the dataflow finishes running, select Tools > Match Analysis.

    The Browse Match Results dialog box displays with a list of dataflows that have match results that be viewed in the Match Analysis tool. If the job you want to analyze is not listed, open the dataflow and make sure that the matching stage has the Generate data for analysis check box selected.

    Tip: If there are a large number of dataflows and you want to filter the dataflows, select a filter option from the Show only jobs where drop-down list.
  5. Click the "+" icon next to the dataflow you want to view to expand it.
  6. Under the dataflow there is one entry for each matcher stage in the dataflow. Select the stage whose results you want to view and click Add.

    The Match Analysis tool appears at the bottom of the Enterprise Designer window.

  7. If you want to compare the matcher results side by side with the results from another matcher:
    1. Click Add.
    2. Select the matcher whose results you want to compare.
    3. Click Add.
    4. In the dataflow list, select the matcher you just added and click Comapare.

The Summary tab lists matching statistics for the job. Depending on the type of matching stage used in the dataflow, you will see different information.

For Intraflow Match you will see the following summary information:

Input Records
The total number of records processed by the matcher stage.
Unique Records
A suspect or candidate record that does not match any other records in a match group. If it is the only record in a match group, a suspect is automatically unique.
Match Groups
(Group By) Records grouped together either by a match key or a sliding window.
Duplicate Collections
A duplicate collection consists of a Suspect and its Duplicate records grouped together by a CollectionNumber. Unique records always belong to CollectionNumber 0.
Express Matches
An express match is made when a suspect and candidate have an exact match on the contents of a designated field, usually an ExpressMatchKey provided by the Match Key Generator. If an Express Match is made no further processing is done to determine if the suspect and candidate are duplicates.
Average Score
The average match score of all duplicates. The possible values are 0-100, with 0 indicating a poor match and 100 indicating an exact match.

For Interflow Match you will see the following summary information:

Duplicate Collections
A duplicate collection consists of a Suspect and its Duplicate records grouped together by a CollectionNumber. Unique records always belong to CollectionNumber 0.
Express Matches
An express match is made when a suspect and candidate have an exact match on the contents of a designated field, usually an ExpressMatchKey provided by the Match Key Generator. If an Express Match is made no further processing is done to determine if the suspect and candidate are duplicates.
Average Score
The average match score of all duplicates. The possible values are 0-100, with 0 indicating a poor match and 100 indicating an exact match.
Input Suspects
The number of records in the input stream that the matcher tried to match to other records.
Suspects with Duplicates
The number of input suspects that matched at least one candidate record.
Unique Suspects
The number of input suspects that did not match any candidate records.
Suspects with Candidates
The number of input suspects that had at least one candidate record in its match group and therefore had at least one match attempt.
Suspects without Candidates
The number of input suspects that had no candidate records in its match group and therefore had no match attempts.

For Transactional Match, you will see the following summary information:

Average Score
The average match score of all duplicates. The possible values are 0-100, with 0 indicating a poor match and 100 indicating an exact match.
Input Suspects
The number of records in the input stream that the matcher tried to match to other records.
Suspects with Duplicates
The number of input suspects that matched at least one candidate record.
Unique Suspects
The number of input suspects that did not match any candidate records.
Suspects with Candidates
The number of input suspects that had at least one candidate record in its match group and therefore had at least one match attempt.
Suspects without Candidates
The number of input suspects that had no candidate records in its match group and therefore had no match attempts.

The Lift/Drop tab of the Match Analysis tool displays duplicate and unique record counts in a bar chart for the selected baseline and, optionally, comparison results. Lift is the increase in the number of duplicate records. Drop is the decrease in the number of duplicate records. Unique records are shown in yellow and duplicate records are shown in green.

If only a baseline job is selected, the chart will show the results for that one job:

If both a baseline and a comparison job are selected, a chart for the baseline and comparison jobs are shown side by side:

The Match Rules tab of the Match Analysis tool displays the match rules used for a single match result or the changes made to the match rules when comparing two match results.

Match rules are displayed in a hierarchical structure similar to how they are displayed in the stage in which they were created. The rule hierarchy contains two nodes: Options and Rules. The Options node shows the stage settings for the selected match result. The Rules node shows the match rules for the selected match result.

To view rule details, select a node in the hierarchy.

If you are comparing match rules between multiple jobs, differences between the baseline and comparison match results are color coded as follows:

Indicates that the match rule in the comparison match result was modified.
Indicates that the match rule in the comparison match result was added.
Indicates that the match rule in the comparison match result was omitted.

For example: