The Advanced Tab
When you have selected one or more elements of your model you can use these advanced functions to select additional elements. Choose to return elements who are connected to, precede, or succeed currently selected entities. If you would like to select more than just first-degree connections, specify how many layers of connections to return in the Depth field. A depth of 1 would return only the entities that are connected to the selected entity. A depth of 2 would return those entities plus the entities connected to them, and so on.
You can choose to keep the current element selected when performing other actions. For example, if you have an entity selected and click Keep current selection followed by Connected, that one entity plus all relationships would be selected.
You can also cause actions to be taken only for the currently selected element. For example, if you have an entity selected and click Current item only followed by Predecessors, all elements coming into that item will be selected. If you then click Successors, only successors to the initial entity will be returned. Successors to the entities brought in when you clicked Select Predecessors will not be returned.
Another option on the Advanced tab is to return all items connected to currently selected entities by the Shortest path. If you check the Directed box, the path will go just in one direction. If you leave it unchecked, the path may go in multiple directions. In the Weight drop-down, you can select the property the Selection tool should look at when determining shortest paths.
After making your selections, click the Run button: . The
items whose data met the requirements of the selection task are shown in the
Selected items list box. (Likewise, all data is shown for each selected entity in
the Model Components pane.) Click any of the items in the Selected items list box to
see all of that item's data in the Properties tab. Click the Relationships tab to
see a list of items that are linked to the item you clicked in step 4. Again, using
the population example, this selection would return Texas, among other states. If
you click Texas in the Selected items list box and then clicked the Relationships
tab, you might see that Texas has relationships as a border state with Arkansas,
Louisiana, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. In this view, you can sort by relationship or
by entity.