Editing a Transformation

For Column, Constant, and Function transformations, the editing can be done by clicking the Transformation icon in the Transformations panel for the relevant entity. Additionally, in case of Constant and Function transformations, you can double-click the Transformation node on the canvas and edit the values in the Transformation of column '<column name>' pop-up window that gets displayed.

  1. To edit a transformation, select the related entity and click the Transformations collapsible tab on the right side of the page.
    Note: In case of Constant and Function transformations, you can also double-click the Transformation node on the canvas, which takes you to the Transformation of column '<column name>' pop-up window for editing.
    The Transformations panel is displayed showing the name of all the attributes in the entity and indicating the type of transformations applied. The Transformation column remains blank in case no transformation is applied on the attribute.
  2. Select the attribute to which you want the transformed value applied, and click the Transformation icon .
    In case of constant and function transformations, you can also double-click the transformation node on the canvas to edit it.
    The Transformation of column '<column name>' pop-up window is displayed.
  3. In the pop-up, select the column, constant, or function parameter that you wish to modify.
  4. Select an option from Column, Constant, or Function to define the type of transformation to be applied on the values from the physical model tables.
    Option Description
    Column Derive the value from a physical model table column. For more information, see Applying a Column Transformation.
    Constant Define the resulting value as a constant. For more information, see Applying a Constant Transformation.
    Function Define the resulting value using String, Numeric, Conversion, and Datetime functions. For more information, see Applying a Function Transformation.
The edited transformation is displayed on the canvas for the respective logical entity.