complexType GeometryServiceRequest
diagram geometry_p96.png
type extension of tns:Request
base common:Request
abstract true
used by
complexTypes AreaRequest BufferRequest ContainsRequest ConvexHullRequest CoordSysTransformRequest CoordSysTransformsRequest DifferenceRequest DistanceRequest EnvelopeRequest EnvelopesIntersectRequest GetCentroidRequest IntersectionRequest IntersectsRequest IsGeometryValidRequest IsSupportedCoordSysRequest LengthRequest ListCodeSpacesRequest ListCoordSysByCodeSpaceRequest PerimeterRequest SymDifferenceRequest UnionRequest WithinRequest
Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation
id xsd:string optional
A unique identifier that is returned in the response. It is used for debugging or keeping track of asynchronous requests.
locale xsd:string optional
The language and country code of the request, which is defined using [language_code]_[country_code] syntax. The language code is a 2-letter ISO-639 code. The country code is a 2-letter ISO-3166 code. For example: en_US stands for the English language within the United States of America.
responseSrsName xsd:string optional
The spatial reference system to express the response in.
The base type for all MapInfo Developer Geometry Service requests.

attribute GeometryServiceRequest/@responseSrsName
type xsd:string
use optional
The spatial reference system to express the response in.

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