Location Intelligence Module

The Location Intelligence Module provides spatial analysis that allows you to determine the relationship between a location and areas or points of interest. You can perform a variety of spatial calculations with the Location Intelligence Module, such as area, union, intersection, point in polygon, and more.


The Location Intelligence Module consists of the following stages:

  • Find Nearest – Locates the points of interest (POI) that are nearest to a given location.
  • Query Spatial Data – Allows you to query a spatial database using MI SQL functions that can, for example, search for a point within a given polygon.
  • Read Spatial Data – Allows you to access spatial data in a variety of commonly-used spatial data formats using MI SQL functions.
  • Spatial Calculator – Performs string and geometry conversions as well a variety of calculations on spatial data, such as determining the area of a polygon or distance between two points.
  • Spatial Union – Returns a geometry object which represents the union of two input geometry objects.
  • Write Spatial Data – Allows you to insert data into a named table or update data in a named table as output of a job. You can also delete data.
  • Closest Site – Determines which sites are closest to a given location.
  • Point In Polygon – Determines whether or not a location resides in a given area.