complexType CapabilitiesBaseType
diagram mws_p804.png
children ows:ServiceIdentification ows:ServiceProvider ows:OperationsMetadata
Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation
version ows:VersionType required
updateSequence ows:UpdateSequenceType optional
Service metadata document version, having values that are "increased" whenever any change is made in service metadata document. Values are selected by each server, and are always opaque to clients. When not supported by server, server shall not return this attribute.
XML encoded GetCapabilities operation response. This document provides clients with service metadata about a specific service instance, usually including metadata about the tightly-coupled data served. If the server does not implement the updateSequence parameter, the server shall always return the complete Capabilities document, without the updateSequence parameter. When the server implements the updateSequence parameter and the GetCapabilities operation request included the updateSequence parameter with the current value, the server shall return this element with only the "version" and "updateSequence" attributes. Otherwise, all optional elements shall be included or not depending on the actual value of the Contents parameter in the GetCapabilities operation request. This base type shall be extended by each specific OWS to include the additional contents needed.

attribute CapabilitiesBaseType/@version
type ows:VersionType
use required
Kind Value Annotation
pattern \d+\.\d?\d\.\d?\d

attribute CapabilitiesBaseType/@updateSequence
type ows:UpdateSequenceType
use optional
Service metadata document version, having values that are "increased" whenever any change is made in service metadata document. Values are selected by each server, and are always opaque to clients. When not supported by server, server shall not return this attribute.

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