element LabelReferencePosition
diagram mws_p148.png
namespace http://www.mapinfo.com/mxp
content complex
children gml:_Geometry mxp:GeometryAttribute mxp:XYAttributes mxp:LineLabelPositionInterval
used by
element LabelProperties
Name Type Use Default Fixed Annotation
recalculate derived by: xs:string optional
Identifies the reference point used to place a label. The final label placement is the combination of LabelReferencePosition and LabelLayout. The geometry used to establish the reference point can be specified as a literal geometry object or the feature geometry/xy data. The default action is then to use the midpoint/centroid of the given geometry. The optional element LineLabelPositionInterval adjusts the reference point along a line/polyline. If the optional attribute "recalculate" has value "always", the reference point for partially visible geometries is recalculated whenever the view is changed or redrawn; if this attribute has a value of "outOfView ", the reference point is only recalculated when a change in map view causes the current reference point to fall out of the view; if this attribute has a value of "never", the reference point is not recalculated when the map view changes.

attribute LabelReferencePosition/@recalculate
type restriction of xs:string
use optional
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration always
enumeration outOfView
enumeration never

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