Changing the default order to display entities in the Entity Browser

You can change the default order to display entities in the Entity Browser in the Data Hub Visualization application.

Choose to sort in ascending or descending order by values in any column. Sort by text (A to Z or Z to A), numbers (smallest to largest or largest to smallest), and dates and times (oldest to newest and newest to oldest) in a column.

This procedure sorts entity data before it is loaded from the server. Ordering data on the server before loading it into the Entity Browser can be time-consuming for large models, so you may choose to avoid using a default sort to load entity data more quickly.

  1. On the Options tab, click in the Order by box to open the list of possible sorts and click one of the following:
    Property name Order by values in the corresponding column of the table.
    Entity label Order entities by entity labels displayed in the Entity column of the table. This is default behavior if you do not make any selection in this list.
    None Avoid sorting entities on the server. Select this option to load entity data more rapidly for larger models.
  2. Click the Ascending button or the Descending button to order by ascending or descending order of values in a selected column.
  3. Click the Run query button to display entities in the specified order.
After running a query, you may click any column heading to sort entities in the table by a properties values in either ascending or descending order.