REST Interfaces
The REST interfaces are what you use to access the Spectrumâ„¢ Technology Platform functionality from within your web application. The table below describes which REST Interface you use to access a particular service.
To access this service | Use this REST Interface |
Mapping Service | http://hostname:port/rest/Spatial/MappingService?_wadl&_type=xml |
Feature Service | http://hostname:port/rest/Spatial/FeatureService?_wadl&_type=xml |
Map Tiling Service | http://hostname:port/rest/Spatial/MapTilingService?_wadl&_type=xml |
To get more detailed descriptions of the REST services, see the spatial REST interface WADL on your system: http://hostname:port/rest/Spatial?_wadl&_type=xml
The REST API is essentially just a set of URLs your web application can send as HTTP GET requests. Each URL defines a request to a particular method of a particular interface. Your application then gets back a response, usually in the form of a JSON object or map image, from the corresponding REST Interface. The returned JSON object can be parsed by your web application to extract and process the requested information.