Adding Guest Access

Guest access in Spectrum Spatial™ Analyst allows anyone to browse to it anonymously without signing in.

When Spectrum Spatial™ Analyst was installed you may have chosen to enable guest access and entered a user name and password for the guest user. To complete guest acess setup or to add guest access after installation, an admin:

  1. Creates a guest role in the Management Console. This role has read-only (View) permission to Spatial resources.
  2. Creates a guest user in the Management Console and assigns them the guest role. Users have the permissions of the role assigned to them.
  3. Enables guest access for a Spectrum Spatial™ Analyst installation by updating its file with the guest user name and password.

When guest access is enabled, the guest user does not need to sign into Spectrum Spatial™ Analyst to view maps. The maps that the guest role has permission to view are visible to the guest user.