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Administration Guide
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Getting Started
Configuring a New System
Accessing Spectrum Management Console
Setting the Language and Region
Starting and Stopping the Server
Installing the Client Tools
Network Ports
Configuring license and expiration notification
Approval Flows
Create an approval flow for an entity
Create an approval flow for an Exception type
Security Model
Adding a User through Spectrum Management Console
Changing a Password
Setting a Minimum Password Length
Changing Your Email Address
Disabling a User Account
Deleting a User through Spectrum Management Console
Locking User Accounts
Unlocking the admin Account
Logging Out Inactive Sessions
Password Support Through JMX Console
Creating a Role in Spectrum Management Console
Deleting a Role in Spectrum Management Console
Secured Entity Types - Spectrum Advanced Matching
Secured Entity Types - Data Stewardship
Secured Entity Types - Resource Connection
Secured Entity Types - Context Graph
Secured Entity Types - Spectrum Data Normalization
Secured Entity Types - Database Resources
Secured Entity Types - Spectrum Data Integration
Secured Entity Types - External Web Services
Secured Entity Types - Spectrum Spatial
Secured Entity Types - Discovery
Secured Entity Types - Platform
Access Control
Configuring Access Control in Spectrum Management Console
Multiple domain support
Deleting Access Control Settings in Spectrum Management Console
Security for the Spectrum Spatial
Users and Roles
Creating a Spatial Dataflow Designer
Limiting WebDAV Access to the Repository
Using WebDAV with HTTPS
Limiting Server Directory Access
Configuring HTTPS Communication
Configuring HTTPS on AIX systems
Using WebFolders to Access
Repository Resources
Implementing self-signed certificates
Web Service Authentication
Disabling Basic Authentication for Web Services
Disabling Authentication for Web Services
Enabling CORS
Using LDAP or Active Directory for Authentication
Mapping LDAP Attribute Values to Roles
Providing user login credentials in LDAP SSO installations
Enabling SSL Communication with LDAP
Disabling SSL Communication with LDAP
Implementing Spectrum Single Sign-on (SSO)
Configuration assumptions and SSO deployment checks
Server configurations for authentication support
Set security authentication
Set server authentication properties
Set keystore configuration properties
Manage AD FS session timeout properties
Setup SAML2 assertion
Set SSO binding properties
SSO in a clustered configuration
Managing and mapping roles and properties
Set up the Admin role
Assign the Admin role
Mapping LDAP/SSO roles to
Spectrum Technology Platform
Certificate-based encryption
Define the trust certificate
Setup keystores and truststore
Encryption methods
Method 1: Configure Spectrum to accept user-provided CA certificates
Method 2: Configure Spectrum with self-signed certificates provided by Precisely
Method 3: Configure Spectrum with your own, self-signed certificates
Separate configurations
Configure HTTP or HTTPS
Configure caching
Configure indexing - Elasticsearch
CLI encryption setup - Windows client only
Encryption properties
Generate encryption strings
Encrypt passwords or mask encryption strings
Data Sources
Defining Connections
Connecting to Amazon
Connecting to Amazon DynamoDB
Amazon DynamoDB Limitations
Connecting to Amazon S3
Using Amazon S3 Cloud Encryption
Connecting to Amazon SimpleDB
Amazon SimpleDB Limitations
Connecting to Apache Cassandra
Apache Cassandra Limitation
Connecting to Azure Cloud
Connecting to Context Graph
Context Graph connector limitation
Connecting to a Flat File
Connecting to a Delimited Flat File
Connecting to a Fixed-Width Flat File
Date Time Formats in a File Connection
Connecting to an FTP Server
Connecting to an SFTP Server
Connecting to Google Cloud Storage
Connecting to Hadoop
Compression Support for Hadoop
Connecting to Hive
Connecting to a JDBC Database
Importing a JDBC Driver
Manually Adding a JDBC Driver
Deleting an Imported JDBC Driver
Supported Database Data Types
Supported Database Data Types for Spectrum Spatial
JDBC Database connector limitations
Connecting to Knox
Connecting to a Windows Mapped Drive
Connecting to Marketo
Marketo Limitations
Supported Entities and Operations
Connecting to Microsoft Dynamics 365
Connecting to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online
Connecting to Microsoft Dynamics 365 On Premise
Supported Entities and Operations
Connecting to a Model Store
Connecting to NetSuite
NetSuite Limitations
Supported Entities and Operations
Connecting to NoSQL
Connecting to Salesforce
Salesforce Limitation
Connecting to SAP NetWeaver
SAP NetWeaver Limitations
Supported Entities and Operations
Connecting to SharePoint
Connecting to Splunk
Splunk Limitations
Supported Entities and Operations
Connecting to SugarCRM
SugarCRM Limitations
Supported Entities and Operations
Connecting to Oracle Eloqua
Special Operations
Supported Entities and Operations
Compression Support for Cloud File Servers
Deleting a Connection
Spectrum Databases
Introduction to Spectrum Databases
Installing a Spectrum Database
Adding a Spectrum Database
Database Pool Size and Runtime Instances
Configuring database properties
Deleting a Spectrum Database
Spectrum Services
Specifying Default Service Options
Previewing a Service
Optimizing Services
External Web Services
Adding an External Web Service
Previewing an External Web Service
Exporting an External Web Service Definition
Importing an External Web Service Definition
Deleting an External Web Service
Configuring Flow Defaults
Setting Data Type Conversion Defaults
Date and time patterns
Number Patterns
Setting the Malformed Records Default
Setting Report Defaults
Scheduling Flows
Scheduling a Flow
Viewing Schedules
Deleting a Schedule
Viewing Flow Status and History
Downloading Flow History
Purging Execution History
Triggering a Flow with a Control File
Command Line Execution
Running A Job from the Command Line
Overriding Job File Locations
Overriding the File Format at the Command Line
Using a Job Property File
Overriding Input and Output Files Using a Job Property File
Overriding File Format Using a Job Property File
Running a Process Flow from the Command Line
Using a Process Flow Property File
Overriding Process Flow File Locations
Adding Flow Runtime Options
Performance Tuning Checklist
Design guidelines for optimal performance
Dataflow Pool Size
Database Pool Size and Runtime Instances
Setting Default Sort Performance Options
Configuring Remote Component Options
Heap Size Configuration for Elasticsearch
Optimizing Individual Stages
Optimizing Matching
Optimizing Candidate Finder
Optimizing Transforms
Optimizing Write to DB
Optimizing Address Validation
Optimizing Geocoding
JVM Performance Tuning
Micro-batch Processing
Monitoring Performance
Monitoring Performance with the Administration Utility
The Performance Log
Monitoring Performance with the Spectrum JMX Console
JMX Performance Monitor Statistics
Email Notification
Configuring a Mail Server
Configuring license and expiration notification
Selecting Items for Expiration Notification
Audit Log
Viewing the Audit Log
Audit Log Archiving
Monitoring system events through the Audit Log
System Log
About the System Log
Viewing System Events
Setting Logging Levels for Services
Notification Log
About the Notification Log
Logging the Record that Caused a Flow to Fail
Transaction Limit Warnings
Viewing Version Information
Viewing server status
Viewing and Exporting License Information
Logback configuration file
Backup and Restore
About scheduled backups
Scheduling system backups
Backup properties
Creating a Backup Manually
Restoring a Server
Data Stewardship Settings
Accessing Data Stewardship Settings
What is the Lookup Process?
Creating Lookups
Assigning Lookups
Correcting Records
Modifying or Deleting Lookups
Configure Notifications
Data Quality Reporting
Configuring Key Performance Indicators
Search Tools Services
Approval Flow Types
Context Graph Settings
Accessing Context Graph Settings
Context Graph Settings
Administration Utility
Getting Started with the Administration Utility
Install the Administration Utility
Setting up Command Line Interface (CLI) properties in an HTTPS-enabled server environment
Using a Script with the Administration Utility
Constraints and Limitations
Audit Log Information
auditlog export
auditlog info (audit log information summary)
Spectrum Business Glossary
Glossaryentity Export
Glossaryentity Import
Glossaryentity List
Data Stewardship
bsm delete exceptions
Context Graph
hub algorithm betweenness
hub algorithm closeness
hub algorithm degree
hub algorithm influence
hub backup all
hub backup delete
hub backup list
hub backup model
hub backup restore
hub job list
hub job status
hub model clear
hub model copy
hub model create security
hub model delete
hub model export
hub model import
hub model list
hub model reindex
hub schema copy
hub schema delete entityProperty
hub schema delete entityType
hub schema delete relationshipLabel
hub schema delete relationshipProperty
hub schema export
hub schema import
hub schema importLogicalModel
hub schema list all
hub schema list entityProperties
hub schema list entityTypes
hub schema list relationshipLabels
hub schema list relationshipProperties
hub schema modify indexType
hub schema rename entityProperty
hub schema rename entityType
hub schema rename relationshipLabel
hub schema rename relationshipProperty
Data Sources
data source ftp add
data source ftp delete
data source ftp list
data source ftp test
data source ftp update
data source sftp add
data source sftp delete
data source sftp list
data source sftp test
data source sftp update
JDBC Database
dbconnection add
dbconnection delete
dbconnection export
dbconnection import
dbconnection list
dbconnection test
dbconnection update
dbdriver delete
dbdriver export
dbdriver import
dbdriver list
dataflow delete
dataflow export
dataflow expose
dataflow import
dataflow list
dataflow lock list
dataflow sourcesink list
dataflow unexpose
dataflow unlock
dataflow version list
Export entity security overrides
folder browse
folder create
folder delete
folder move
folder rename
Information Extraction
iemodel delete
iemodel evaluate model
iemodel evaluate train_model
iemodel export
iemodel import
iemodel list
iemodel train
iemodel trainAndevaluate model
job history list
job execute
Using a Job Property File
Overriding Job Files
Overriding File Format
Spectrum Lineage & Impact Analysis
notes export
notes import
Spectrum Machine Learning
binning delete
binning expose
binning list
binning unexpose
machinelearning model expose
machinelearning model unexpose
Match Rules
matchrule delete
matchrule export
matchrule import
matchrule list
Match Keys
matchkey list
matchkey delete
matchkey export
matchkey import
Best of Breed Rules
bestofbreedrule delete
bestofbreedrule export
bestofbreedrule import
bestofbreedrule list
Metadata Connections
resourceconnection export
resourceconnection import
resourceconnection list
notification daystoexpire set
notification enabled set
notification expirationsettings list
notification smtp get
notification smtp set
notification smtp test
notification subscriber add
notification subscriber delete
Open Parser Cultures
openparser culture export
openparser culture import
Open Parser Domains
openparser domain export
openparser domain import
openparser domain list
Performance Monitor
performancemonitor enabled get
performancemonitor enabled set
The Performance Log
permission list
Physical and Logical Models
logicalmodel bulkExport
logicalmodel bulkImport
logicalmodel export
logicalmodel import
logicalmodel list
modelstore bulkExport
modelstore deploy
modelstore export
modelstore import
modelstore bulkImport
modelstore list
modelstore undeploy
physicalmodel bulkExport
physicalmodel bulkImport
physicalmodel export
physicalmodel import
physicalmodel list
Process Flows
processflow delete
processflow execute
Overriding Process Flow File Locations
processflow export
processflow expose
processflow import
processflow list
processflow history list
processflow unexpose
processflow version list
Product Data
productdata list
productdata extract list
productdata extract register
productdata extract unregister
productdata archive list
productdata archive register
productdata archive unregister
productdata install
productdata delete
profile run
profile cancel
profile delete
profile export
profile update
profile status
profile list
role create
role delete
role export
role import
role list
role export
role permission import
scorecard list
scorecard evaluate
scorecard status
scorecard statistics
scorecard trends
scorecard delete
scorecard cancel
Search Indexes
index delete
index list
index compare
index export cancel
index export progress
index export start
index snapshot create
index snapshot list
index snapshot delete
index snapshot repository
index snapshot restore
index restore list
service list
service loglevel list
service loglevel set
service option list
service option set
Spectrum Databases
Spectrum Enterprise Geocoding for Global Databases
egmglobaldb create sample file
egmglobaldb delete
egmglobaldb import
egmglobaldb export
egmglobaldb get
egmglobaldb list
egmglobaldb memory set
egmglobaldb poolsize set
Spectrum Enterprise Geocoding for US Databases
egmusadb add
egmusadb delete
egmusadb import
egmusadb export
egmusadb get
egmusadb list
egmusadb memory set
egmusadb poolsize set
Spectrum Enterprise Geocoding for World Databases
egmworlddb create_sample_file
egmworlddb delete
egmworlddb import
egmworlddb export
egmworlddb get
egmworldb list
egmworlddb memory set
egmworlddb poolsize set
Spectrum Enterprise Tax Databases
geotaxdb delete
geotaxdb import
geotaxdb export
geotaxdb get
geotaxdb list
geotaxdb memory set
geotaxdb poolsize set
Spectrum Global Addressing Databases
gamdb create
gamdb delete
gamdb export
gamdb get info
gamdb import
gamdb listdatasets
gamdb listdbresources
gamdb memory set
gamdb modify
gamdb poolsize set
Spectrum Global Geocoding Databases
globalgeocodedb create sample file
globalgeocodedb delete
globalgeocodedb import
globalgeocodedb export
globalgeocodedb get
globalgeocodedb list
globalgeocodedb memory set
globalgeocodedb poolsize set
Spectrum Spatial and Routing Databases
limrepo export
limrepo import
limrepo mwsimport
ermdb list
ermdb get
ermdb add
ermdb delete
ermdb memory set
ermdb modify
ermdb template
ermdb import
ermdb export
erm getpointdata
erm getsegmentdata
erm createpointupdate
erm resetpointupdate
erm createsegmentupdate
erm resetsegmentupdate
erm getsegmentupdates
erm createroadtypeupdate
erm resetroadtypeupdate
erm getroadtypeupdates
erm getallupdates
erm resetallupdates
Spectrum Universal Address Databases
uamdb create
uamdb modify
uamdb delete
uamdb memory set
uamdb import
uamdb export
uamdb get resource info
uamdb list
uamdb listdatasets
uamdbglobalmultipath create_sample_file
uamdb poolsize set
Service pool size
service poolsize default get
service poolsize default set
service poolsize get
service poolsize set
license expirationinfo export
license expirationinfo list
licenseinfo export
licenseinfo list
server backup
system loglevel get
system loglevel set
system properties
versioninfo export
versioninfo list
table delete
table export
table import
table list
token list
token refreshsecret
token revoke
token userrevoke
User Accounts
user create
user delete
user description set
user email set
user enabled set
user list
user password set
user role grant
user role list
user role revoke
Clustered Architecture
Using Enterprise Designer with a Cluster
Starting a Cluster
Stopping a Cluster
Upgrading a Cluster
Removing a Node from a Cluster
Managing a Cluster for Specrum Spatial
Clustered Architecture for Spatial
Setting Up a Common Repository Database
Configuring Your System
Configure the Map File Share
Creating a Map Image File Share on Linux
Modifying OGC Service Configurations for Clustering
Configuring Ports for Multiple Spectrum Instances
Shared Spectrum Local Data
Spectrum properties reference
Spectrum Technology Platform
What Is
Spectrum Technology Platform
Enterprise Data Management Architecture
Spectrum Technology Platform
Modules and Components