Secured Entity Types - Context Graph

After you establish roles, you can determine the permissions granted to each role. The following entity types control permissions to parts of Spectrum Context Graph.

Controls the ability to perform these actions for Context Graph settings in Spectrum Management Console.
  • View: Allows users to view Context Graph settings.
  • Modify: Allows users to modify Context Graph settings.
Controls the ability to perform execute algorithms for Context Graph Visualization and the Relationship Analysis Client.
  • Execute: Allows users to run algorithms.
Model Admin
Controls the ability to perform actions for Context Graph stages, Context Graph Visualization, Context Graph Browser, and the Relationship Analysis Client:
  • View: Allows users to view a model.
  • Create: Allows users to create models, including entities, relationships, and properties.
  • Modify: Allows users to modify a models entity and relationship properties.
  • Delete: Allows users to delete models, entities, relationships and properties.
Model Metadata
Controls the ability to perform actions for Context Graph stages, Context Graph Visualization, Context Graph Browser, and the Relationship Analysis Client:
  • View: Allows users to view model metadata.
  • Create: Allows users to create model metadata, including entities, relationships and properties.
  • Modify: Allows users to modify model metadata entity and relationship properties.
  • Delete: Allows users to delete model metadata entities, relationships and properties.
    Note: This permission includes clearing a model in the Write to Model stage.
Monitor Admin
Controls the ability to perform the following actions for Relationship Analysis Client.
  • Create: Allows users to create monitors that detect changes to model entities or relationships.
  • View: Allows users to view entity and relationship monitors.
  • Modify: Allows users to modify monitors that detect changes to model entities or relationships.
  • Delete: Allows users to delete entity or relationship monitors.
Query Admin
Controls the ability to perform actions for Context Graph Browser, Context Graph Visualization, and Relationship Analysis Client.
  • Create: Allows users to create queries for models.
  • View: Allows users to view queries for models.
  • Modify: Allows users to modify queries for models.
  • Delete: Allows users to delete queries for models.
Theme Admin
Controls the ability to perform the following actions for Relationship Analysis Client.
  • Create: Allows users to create themes for models.
  • View: Allows users to view themes for models.
  • Modify: Allows users to modify themes for models.
  • Delete: Allows users to delete themes for models.