Using Global Address Parser As a Service

To split your address strings into the appropriate components, you must perform these steps:
  • Set the parsing options.
  • Feed the input addresses to be parsed to the Global Address Parser.

To access the Global Address Parser screen and perform address parsing, follow these steps:

  1. In a web browser, go to:

    Where server is the server name or IP address of your the Spectrum Technology Platform server and port is the HTTP port. By default, the HTTP port is 8080.

  2. Log in with your credentials.
  3. Under the Services tab, select Global Addressing.
  4. From the list of services on the left side of the pane, select Global Address Parser.
    The Global Address Parser screen is displayed with the Default Options tab selected.
  5. Select the Country to which the addresses you are parsing belong. You can parse addresses in these countries:
    • Australia
    • Canada
    • France
    • Germany
    • Spain
    • United Kingdom
    • United States
  6. Assign the Minimum confidence score you want for this parsing. The parser will not display results that fall below the confidence score you specify here.
  7. Click Save.
    The options specified are saved for the next operation: Entering the addresses to be parsed.
  8. Click the Preview tab.
  9. Click one of these icons to feed the address that needs to be parsed.
    • To add records one at a time to the parser, perform these tasks:
      1. Click the Add record button .
      2. In the Address field of the Input Record <sequence of the address record> section, enter the address string to be parsed.
        Note: Repeat steps 'a' and 'b' to add multiple address strings. You can add up to 100 address strings.
    • To import multiple addresses from a CSV file, click the Import records button . In the Import Data pop-up window that is displayed, enter these values:
      1. In the File name field, select the file that has the address records.
      2. Select the Field separator used in the address file.
      3. Specify the Maximum number of records to import.
      4. Click OK .
    The entered or selected address records are displayed as input records below the Run Preview button.
    Note: The input address string should have more than one token. For example, an input address string with London as the only value will not be recognized by the parser. An address need to have at least one more token (or component) to the string, such as city name, place name, or post code.
  10. To delete any of the address strings, hover the cursor on the corresponding Input Record <sequence of the address record> and click the Delete this record icon that is displayed.
    Note: To delete all records, click Delete all records icon placed below Input Records.
  11. To view parsed output, click the Run Preview button.
    The parsed address components (Output Record) are displayed adjacent to the corresponding input records. For details on the output fields, see Parsed Address Output.