Get Candidate Addresses

Get Candidate Addresses returns a list of addresses that are considered matches for a given input address. Get Candidate Addresses returns candidate addresses only if the input address matches multiple addresses in the postal database. If the input address matches only one address in the postal database, then no address data is returned.

For addresses outside the U.S. and Canada, you may notice inconsistent results between the multiple matches returned by Validate Address and the results for that same address returned by Get Candidate Addresses. If you experience inconsistent results, it is likely because you set the performance tuning setting in Validate Address to a value other than 100. To obtain consistent results between Get Candidate Addresses and Validate Address, set the performance tuning option to 100.

Note: By default, Get Candidate Addresses does not match to individual house numbers. Rather, it uses house number ranges for each street. After Get Candidate Addresses has determined the street name, city name, state/province name, and postal code, it checks to make sure the input house number falls within one of the ranges of house numbers given for the matched street name. The same type of logic applies to unit numbers. If you want to determine that an individual house number is valid, you should use the Validate Address Delivery Point Validation (DPV) processing option. DPV processing is only available for U.S. addresses.

The Canadian coder contains a reverse lookup routine that takes as input a specific postal code and returns the street information stored in the database for that postal code. To use this function enter nothing but a Canadian postal code in the PostalCode field. See the second example to view the return from a sample postal code.

Get Candidate Addresses is part of Spectrum Universal Address.

U.S. Address Example


PO Box 1 City: NY State: NY

Preview Output:

Field Name Output Record 1 Output Record 2
AddressLine1 PO Box 1 PO Box 1
City New York New York
Country USA USA
HouseNumberHigh 60 9
HouseNumberLow 1 1
HouseNumberParity B B
MatchLevel A A
PostalCode 10002 10008
PostalCode.AddOn 0001 0001
ProcessedBy USA USA
RecordType PostOfficeBox PostOfficeBox
StateProvince NY NY

Canadian Address Example



Preview Output:

Field Name Output Record 1 Output Record 2
Country CAN CAN
HouseNumberHigh 000003 000004 A
HouseNumberLow 000001 000002
HouseNumberParity O E
MatchLevel A A
PostalCode A1A1A1 A1A1A1
ProcessedBy CAN CAN
RecordType Normal Normal
StateProvince NL NL