Get Candidate Addresses returns the following output.
Field Name |
Description |
AddressLine1 |
The first address line. |
AddressLine2 |
The second address line. |
AddressLine3 |
The third address line. |
AddressLine4 |
The fourth address line. |
AddressLine5 |
For U.K. addresses only. If the address was validated, the fifth line of the validated and standardized address. If the address could not be validated, the fifth line of the input address without any changes. |
CanadianDeliveryInstallation AreaName |
Delivery installation name (Canadian addresses only) |
CanadianDeliveryInstallation QualifierName |
Delivery installation qualifier (Canadian addresses only) |
CanadianDeliveryInstallation Type |
Delivery installation type (Canadian addresses only) |
City |
The city name. |
Country |
The three-character ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3 code for the country. For a list of ISO codes, see ISO Country Codes and Module Support. |
FirmName |
The firm name. |
HouseNumberHigh |
The ending house number for the range in which the candidate address's house number falls. |
HouseNumberLow |
The beginning house number for the range in which the candidate address's house number falls. |
HouseNumberParity |
Indicates the numbering scheme for the house numbers between HouseNumberLow and HouseNumberHigh, as follows:
MatchLevel |
For addresses outside the U.S. and Canada, identifies the match level for the candidate address. U.S. and Canadian addresses are always "A." One of the following:
PostalCode |
The postal code. In the U.S. this is the ZIP Code™. |
PostalCode.AddOn |
The last four digits of the ZIP + 4® Code. U.S. addresses only. |
RecordType |
The type of address record, as defined by U.S. and Canadian postal authorities (U.S. and Canadian addresses only):
RecordType.Default |
Code indicating the "default" match:
StateProvince |
The validated state/province or its abbreviated value. |
Status |
Reports the success or failure of the match attempt.
Status.Code |
The reason for failure, if there is one. There is only one possible value:
Status.Description |
A description of the problem, if there is one.
UnitNumberHigh |
The ending unit number for the range in which the candidate address's unit number falls. |
UnitNumberLow |
The beginning unit number for the range in which the candidate address's unit number falls. |
UnitNumberParity |
Indicates the numbering scheme for the unit numbers between UnitNumberLow and UnitNumberHigh, as follows:
USUrbanName |
The validated city urbanization name. Urbanization names are used primarily for Puerto Rico addresses. |