Unloading Elements

After you use Discovery to bring additional entities and relationships into the model, you can unload some of the data that is brought in by using the Unload feature. Using the same example above, after you brought in entities who traveled with the existing entities, you could then unload the entities who have a relationship label of "wife" because you might be looking only at male suspects.
  1. Click the entities you want to remove from your model, or click the entities whose connected entities you want to remove. For example, you might want to remove all connections to a terrorism suspect if the only connections are family members who are not considered suspects.
  2. Select a Relationship Label if you are unloading entities connected to selected entities and want to filter which ones are removed based on the relationships between them. Using our example, you might select "Wife" or "Child."
    Note: You can only unload entities that have no connections other than to the entity you select in Step 1.
  3. Click Unload.
  4. Choose one of the following options.
    Selected entities Removes all entities currently selected.
    Unselected entities Removes all entities not currently selected.
    Connected leaves Removes all entities and relationships connected to the currently selected entities.
    Predecessor leaves Removes all entities and relationships that come into, or precede, the currently selected entities.
    Successor leaves Removes all entities and relationships that go out of, or succeed, the currently selected entities.
    Note: The availability of these options depends on your model's contents. Sometimes you can choose only Selected entities or Unselected entities.