Model Monitors Tab

The Relationship Analysis Client tool allows you to monitor your models for data changes that meet certain conditions. You can set monitors for entities or relationships.

Conditions for entity monitors are based on entity properties, which are evaluated against literals, or absolute values. For example, you could set a condition on a property called "Nationality" and have a service run when an entity's nationality is "Canadian".

Conditions for relationship monitors are based on relationship properties as well as properties for the source and target entities attached to those relationships. As with entity monitors, these properties can be evaluated against literals, but they can also be evaluated against the properties themselves. For example, you could set a condition to look for when a relationship property is equal to that same property on the source or target entity. Likewise, you could set a condition to look for when a source entity's property is equal to that same property on a target entity.

To implement monitoring, you need to assign a name to your monitor, set the conditions under which you want to take action, and set up either an email notification or a service activation.
Note: Before creating an Email Action monitor, you must first set up Notifications in Management Console.

Follow these steps to add a monitor:

  1. Click Add and select whether you want to create an entity monitor or a relationship monitor.
  2. Enter a Name for the monitor you are creating.
  3. Deselect the Enabled check box if you do not want to activate the monitor at this time. Otherwise leave it selected. Note that you can enable and disable monitors at any time, not just when they are created or modified.
  4. Click Add Conditions to build the scenarios under which you want to take action
    1. If you are creating a relationship monitor, select the source type (Property, Source Entity, or Target Entity).
    2. Select the property whose data you are monitoring.
    3. Select the operand you are using to create the condition.
    4. Enter the value at which an email or service should be activated. Note that if the property you are monitoring is a date, time, or datetime type, and you have selected "Increased By" or "Decreased By" as the operand, the value in this field must represent a time span using the following variables, either alone or combined with a space in between: "y" for years, "w" for weeks, "d" for days, "h" for hours, "m" for minutes, and "s" for seconds. For example, if you had a date field with a value of 10/05/13 and you wanted to set a condition to be activated when the date reached 12/19/13, you would enter "2m 2w". Or, if you had a time field with a value of 3:00:00 PM and you wanted to set a condition to be activated when the time reached 11:00:00 PM, you would enter "8h". Alternatively, if you had a datetime field with a value of 04/18/12 10:30:00 AM and you wanted to set a condition to be activated when the date reached 10/28/13 and the time reached 4:00:00 PM, you would enter "1y 6m 2w 3d 5h 30m".
    5. If you do not want the monitor to consider case when evaluating model data, click the Ignore Case check box.
  5. Repeat Step 5 to add more conditions. Note that you can move the conditions up and down in order of priority by selecting the condition and using the up and down arrows.
  6. Under Actions, click Add and select the type of action you want to take.
  7. Complete the steps for Email Actions or Service Actions.
  8. If you are creating a service action that uses saved values, check Execute actions after transaction completes. Check Execute actions asynchronously if the action triggering the monitor is not tied to it, allowing the calling process to complete and return and the monitor to run in an asynchronous, parallel manner.