GlobalSentry CheckGlobalWatchList

The GlobalSentryCheckGlobalWatchList service matches transactions against government-provided watch lists that contain data from various countries. These lists include:

  • Denied Persons List (United States)
  • Unverified List (BIS Red Flag) (United States)
  • Consolidated Financial Sanction Targets (Individuals and Entities) (United Kingdom or European Union)
  • Consolidated lists of persons, groups, and entities subject to EU financial sanctions (European Union)
  • DFAT Consolidated List (Australia)
  • OSFI Consolidated List (Individuals and Entities) (Canada)
  • Specially Designated Nationals, Terrorists, Narcotic Traffickers and other Blocked Persons List (United States)
  • Statutorily Debarred Parties List (United States)
  • Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) list
  • The consolidated Sanctions List including all individuals and entities who have been subjected to sanctions by the United Nations Security Council.

Matches are performed against Sanctioned Countries, Name, Address, ID Number and other information such as DOB to provide an "Overall Risk Level Score" that allows your organization to make the right choice before making a decision to block a particular transaction and avoid false positive results.

These steps describe how GlobalSentry processes data:

  1. The service first scans all required data in the transaction to identify countries that have been sanctioned. If a sanction country match has been identified, the transaction bypasses all other matching criteria and is assigned the highest possible risk score.
  2. If a sanctioned country match has not been identified, the service then attempts to match the transaction against the GlobalSentry database using the GlobalSentry Name Check, GlobalSentry Address Check or GlobalSentry ID Number Check subflows.
  3. The GlobalSentry Name Check attempts to match individuals, entities and vessels. If a name match is identified a Name Score is returned from the service.
  4. The GlobalSentry Address Check attempts to match addresses within a country. If an Address match is identified an Address Score is returned from the service.
  5. The GlobalSentry ID Number Check attempts to match identification numbers, such as Passport, National ID, SSN, and Fiscal Code. If an ID Number match is identified an ID Number Score is returned from the service.
  6. If a transaction is not identified as a Name, Address or ID Number match, the transaction record is written to the output and given an overall risk level score of zero.
  7. If a transaction has been identified as a Name, Address or Identification Number match, the service attempts to match those transactions against the GlobalSentry database using the GlobalSentry Other Data Check subflow.
  8. The GlobalSentry Other Data Check attempts to match the Place of Birth, Date of Birth, Nationality or Citizenship. If a match is identified a Place of Birth Score, Date of Birth Score, Nationality Score or Citizenship Score is returned by the service.
  9. GlobalSentry assigns an Overall Risk Level score to each transaction. The score is a value between 0 and 16 and is returned in the OverallRiskLevel field. In calculating the risk level, GlobalSentry takes into account what data was provided in the input record and which inputs, if any, matched entries in the GlobalSentry database. Generally, a higher value indicates a higher risk associated with the transaction.

Credit Calculation

Credit calculation for the service is the same for local and international addresses. 20 credit is deducted for each matching request. If the credit required to process the requests exceeds your credit limit, you receive the message:
PB-APIM-ERR-5403: Request exceeds the allowed quota per month. 

Batch Size

You can validate a maximum of 10 transactions in one batch. If the batch size exceeds this limit, you receive this error message:
PB-APIM-ERR-5022: Batch size should not be more than 10.

Resource URL

JSON endpoint:


XML endpoint:


For a list of Spectrum OnDemand servers, see Connecting to Spectrum OnDemand Servers.

Example with JSON Response

This example requests a JSON response:


The JSON returned by this request would be:

Empty response elements have been removed from this example. Only the first response record shown.

        {"Output": [
      "OverallRiskLevel": "10",
      "SanctionedCountryIdentified": "No",
      "Status": "S",
      "FirstName": "Miguel",
      "LastName": "Batista",
      "PlaceOfBirth": "San Sebastian (Guipuzcoa)  Spain",
      "EntryID": "315",
      "InputFilteredFirstName": "Miguel",
      "InputFilteredLastName": "Batista",
      "InputFirstName": "Miguel",
      "InputLastName": "Batista",
      "ListType": "DFAT Consolidated List",
      "MatchKey1": "MGL",
      "MatchKey2": "BTST",
      "NameMatchIdentified": "Yes",
      "NameProvided": "Yes",
      "AddressProvided": "No",
      "IDNumberProvided": "No",
      "AddressMatchIdentified": "No",
      "IDNumberMatchIdentified": "No",
      "CitizenshipScore": "0",
      "CitizenshipMatchIdentified": "No",
      "CitizenshipUID": "",
      "DOBScore": "0",
      "DOBMatchIdentified": "No",
      "NationalityScore": "0",
      "NationalityMatchIdentified": "No",
      "PlaceOfBirthScore": "0",
      "PlaceOfBirthMatchIdentified": "No",
      "CitizenshipProvided": "No",
      "DOBProvided": "No",
      "NationalityProvided": "No",
      "PlaceOfBirthProvided": "No",
      "WatchListFirstName": "Miguel",
      "WatchListLastName": "ALBISU IRIARTE",
      "NameScore": "100",
      "user_fields": []

Example with XML Response

This example requests an XML response:


The XML response would be:

Empty response elements have been removed from this example. Only the first response record shown.

        <xml.GlobalSentryResponse xmlns="">
         <PlaceOfBirth>San Sebastian (Guipuzcoa)  Spain</PlaceOfBirth>
         <ListType>DFAT Consolidated List</ListType>
         <WatchListLastName>ALBISU IRIARTE</WatchListLastName>