Geocoding Options

These options control how AssignGeoTaxInfoPlusGTR determines the latitude and longitude coordinates of the input address:




Indicates the desired format for the returned latitude/longitude. One of the following:

Decimal degrees using directional indicator (no decimal point). For example, 090000000N180000000W.
Decimal degrees using directional indicator. For example, 090.000000N180.000000W. (default)
Decimal degrees using signed latitude/longitude. For example, 90.000000-180.000000.
Decimal degrees using signed latitude/longitude (no decimal point). For example, 90000000-180000000.
Degrees, minutes, seconds. For example, 90 00 00N180 00 00W.


Indicates the offset distance in feet from the street center line.

The offset distance is used in street-level geocoding to prevent the geocode from being in the middle of a street. It compensates for the fact that street-level geocoding returns a latitude and longitude point in the center of the street where the address is located. Since the building represented by an address is not on the street itself, you do not want the geocode for an address to be a point on the street. Instead, you want the geocode to represent the location of the building which sits next to the street. For example, an offset of 40 feet means that the geocode will represent a point 40 feet back from the center of the street. The distance is calculated perpendicular to the portion of the street segment for the address. Offset is also used to prevent addresses across the street from each other from being given the same point. The diagram below shows an offset point in relation to the original point.

No offset. (default)
Twenty feet offset from street centerline.
Forty feet offset from street centerline. (recommended)
Sixty feet offset from street centerline.


Specifies if the street end points should be "squeezed" when determining the geocode of an address in street-level matching. When Squeeze is enabled, both street and end points are moved closer to the center of the segment by 50 feet. The diagram below compares the end points of a street segment to the squeezed end points of a street segment.

Apply squeeze.
Do not apply squeeze. (default)