Data Options

The Data tab allows you to specify which databases to use in geocoding. Databases contain the address and geocode data necessary to determine the geocode for a given address. There are two kinds of databases: standard databases and custom databases. Standard databases are those supplied by Precisely and based on address and geocoding data from postal authorities and suppliers of geographical data. Custom databases are databases you create to enhance or augment standard databases for your particular needs. For Australian geocoding, to achieve the best geocoding spatial precision use the G-NAF database. This provides point-level geocoding that places points within the land parcel boundary for a given address. The G-NAF database requires an additional license. Contact your sales representative for more information. This table lists the options available for specifying which databases to use and the search order of databases.

Parameter Description


Specifies the database to be used for geocoding. Only databases that have been defined in the Databases Resources panel in the Management Console are available.


The name of one or more database resources to use in the search process. Use the database name specified in the Management Console. You can specify multiple database resources. If you specify more than one database, list them in order of preference.

The order of the databases has an effect when there are close match candidates from different databases. The close matches that are returned come from the database that is first in the search list. Close matches from lower ranked databases are demoted to non-close matches. You can also use the order of the databases to perform fallback processing if you have an both an address point database and a street-level database installed for the country. List the address point database first and the street database second. If the address cannot be geocoded to the address point level, the geocoder will attempt to geocode it to the street level.


Specifies which geocoding databases to use. One of these:

Prefer custom database

Use both standard databases and custom databases, but give preference to candidates from custom databases. Use this option if you feel your custom database is superior to the standard database.

Prefer standard database

Use both standard databases and custom databases, but give preference to candidates from standard databases.

Use custom databases only
Use only custom databases. Ignore standard databases.
Use standard databases only
Use only standard databases. Ignore custom databases.
Use both custom and standard databases

Use both standard databases and custom databases. In cases where candidates are returned from both, the standard database is preferred. Default.

The results from a custom database have a "U" at the end of the result code. Results from an address database have an "A" at the end of the match score. For example, S5HPNTSCZA is a match score that comes from an address database, while S5HPNTSCZU comes from a custom database. For more information, see Result Codes for International Geocoding.

Legal Values:
  • StandardOnly = Use standard databases only
  • PreferStandard = Prefer standard databases
  • CustomOnly = Use custom databases only
  • PreferCustom = Prefer custom databases
  • Both = use both custom and standard databases

Default value: StandardOnly = Use standard databases only