
The two usual root causes of poor addresses are:
  1. Addresses and other contact information are not validated at the point of capture.
  2. The formats of captured names and addresses are not normalized.

Many organizations have taken a first step towards improving address capture at these customer touchpoints by implementing AutoComplete or TypeAhead solutions, such as our GlobalTypeAheadUSCAN service, where the customer can start typing their address and a list of matching addresses pops-up for the customer to select.

Although this solution may be convenient for the customer, it does not solve all the addressing problems.

Addresses presented by typeahead service typically include building addresses, both with and without suite, or apartment numbers. This means a customer may select their correct building address but may have overlooked that they selected a non-deliverable address by not including their apartment number.

To resolve this issue, Spectrum OnDemand recommends to use the two web services to accomplish 'getting the right address at the right time'.
  1. The GlobalTypeAheadUSCAN (or GlobalTypeAheadInternational) services provide candidates as the user types. This guides the user for a better choice and reduce the chance that the address has been mistyped.
  2. The ValidateMailingAddressRecommendUSCAN or ValidateMailingAddressRecommend (for global usage) services standardize and verify the address against trusted third-party source data (such as postal or geolocation data if you want) and returns a validated, postal deliverable or highly accurate geo-locatable address.

If the candidate address does not validate postal delivery or it does not meet geolocation accuracy thresholds, a list of verified address suggestions is displayed for the user to select.

To choose these verified address changes, ValidateMailingAddressRecommend uses both phonetic and non-phonetic heuristics to determine the accuracy and relevance of address suggestions.

It takes advantage of additional data sources beyond the standard postal mail data (used by standard address validation services, such as ValidateMailingAddress) to find addresses that are not supported by the postal delivery services, such as the USPS. This permits you to understand that an address may not be deliverable by the USPS but can be deliverable by another delivery services such as DHL, FedEx or UPS.

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For a list of Spectrum OnDemand servers, see Connecting to Spectrum OnDemand Servers.


This shows a SOAP request:

					<val:AddressLine1>6913 Antrim Rd</val:AddressLine1>

This would be the response:

					<ns2:AddressLine1>6913 Antrim Rd</ns2:AddressLine1>
					<ns2:Country>United States of America</ns2:Country>
					<ns2:Message>Deliverable Address</ns2:Message>