State or Province Abbreviations
In some countries, the state or province is an important part of the address and often this address element is abbreviated. For selected countries, these state/province abbreviations are recognized by Geocode Address World. For example, in the United States each state has a two-letter abbreviation (such as CA for California). Similarly, Netherlands, state abbreviations (such as GLD for Gelderland) are recognized.
Geocode Address World accepts state/province abbreviations for the following countries:
Country Name | State Or Province Division | Example |
Australia (AUS) | StateProvince (State) | NSW (abbreviation for New South Wales |
Canada (CAN) | StateProvince (Province) | AB (abbreviation for Alberta) |
Italy (ITA) | County (Province) | MO (abbreviation for Modena) |
Mexico (MEX) | StateProvince (State) | JA (abbreviation for Jalisco) |
Netherlands (NLD | County (State) | FR (abbreviation for Friesland) |
United States (USA) | StateProvince (State) | CA (abbreviation for California) |
Geocode Address World evaluates these state or province abbreviations to better identify close matches. See Geographic Geocoding with State/Province Abbreviation for an example that illustrates this feature.