International Postal Geocoding Result Codes (Z Codes)
Matches in the Z category indicate that a match was made at the postcode level. A
postcode match is returned in either of these cases:
- You specified to match to postal code centroids. The resulting point is located at the postal code centroid with the following possible accuracy levels.
- There is no street level close match and you specified to fall back to postal code centroid.
Z Result Code | Description |
Z1 | Postal Code centroid match. |
Z3 | Full postal code centroid match. For Canada, this is an FSALDU centroid. |
Postal level geocoded candidates return a result code beginning with the letter Z. Geocode Address World can generate a Z1 result code. Country-specific geocoders can often generate more accurate postcode results (with Z2 or Z3 result codes).
If the postal candidate comes from a user dictionary, the letter U is appended to the result. For example, Z1U indicates a postal centroid match from a custom user dictionary.