Describes module services addressible by Spectrum APIs.
Information to perform Reverse APN Lookup using Assessor's Parcel Number (APN), A FIPS county code, A FIPS state code.
Learn how to use a supported compiler and runtime to connect applications to Spectrum Technology Platform 2022.1.0.
Useful information about using the Spectrum API.
The C API is a set of functions that allow C code to interact with Spectrum Technology Platform 2022.1.0.
The C++ API is a set of functions that allow C++ code to interact with Spectrum Technology Platform 2022.1.0.
The Java API is a set of functions that allow Java code to interact with Spectrum Technology Platform 2022.1.0.
The deprecated ManagementAPI supports two methods used by existing legacy applications.
Understand Geocode Address World, Geocode Precision, and Geocoding Scenarios.
Details about how Geocode US Address takes an address and returns latitude/longitude coordinates.
Learn how Reverse Geocode US Location takes latitude and longitude point and returns best match.
Learn how auxiliary files are used to match against special data that is not included in the Geocode US Address database.
Information on match codes that indicates the ddress portions that matched or did not match to the database.
Get information on the result codes for International Street and Postal Geocoding, Geographic Geocoding, Reverse Geocoding, and Non-match codes.
Information on what is false positives, how to report DPV, LACS/Link False-Positives Violations.
An overview of Spectrum, its data management architecture, its platform architecture, and its modules and components.
Look up ISO codes for countries and Spectrum modules that support addressing, geocoding, and routing for each country.