Extraneous Data Within an Address Line

Extraneous data that is within an address line is returned in AdditionalInputData. For example, in the following addresses "John Smith" would be returned in AdditionalInputData.

123 Main St John Smith

123 Main St Apt 5 John Smith

123 Main St John Smith
Apt 5

123 Main St
Apt 5 John Smith

For U.S. addresses, only extraneous data at the end of the address line is returned in AdditionalInputData. Extraneous data that is not at the end of an address line is not returned for U.S. addresses. For example, in the following addresses "John Smith" is not returned.

John Smith 123 Main St

123 Main John Smith St

The AdditionalInputData column will sometimes contain the original street name or suffix if the street name was changed to obtain a match and the street name or suffix was at the end of a line. For example this address:

4200 Parlament
Lanham MD

ValidateAddress would correct the spelling of the street name and add the suffix, returning "4200 Parliament Pl" as the corrected street address and "Parlament" in AdditionalInputData.