Result Codes

These output fields contain information about the result of the validation processing.

Table 1. Result Codes


Result Code


For United States and Canada addresses only, the AddressType field indicates the type of address. One of the following:

The address was validated/corrected to the firm name.
The address was validated/corrected to the building name.
The address is a general delivery address.
The address was validated/corrected to the high-rise default.
The address is a large volume receiver.
The address is a military address.
The address was validated/corrected to PO box.
The address was validated/corrected to a rural route.
The address was validated/corrected to a street address.
The address could not be validated/corrected so the type is unknown.

The level of confidence assigned to the address being returned. Range is from zero (0) to 100; zero indicates failure, 100 indicates a very high level of confidence that the match results are correct.


Indicates whether the number of candidate addresses exceeds the number returned. One of the following:

Yes, there are additional candidate addresses. To obtain the additional candidates, increase the MaximumResults value.
No, there are no additional candidates.

ElementInputStatus provides per element information on the matching of input elements to reference data. The values in this field vary depending on whether you are using batch mode or parse mode. For information about the value in this field, see Interpreting ElementInputStatus, ElementResultStatus, and ElementRelevance.

ElementRelevance Indicates which address elements are actually relevant from the local postal authority's point of view. For information about the value in this field, see Interpreting ElementInputStatus, ElementResultStatus, and ElementRelevance .
ElementResultStatus ElementResultStatus categorizes the result in more detail than the ProcessStatus field by indicating if and how the output fields have been changed from the input fields. For information about the value in this field, see Interpreting ElementInputStatus, ElementResultStatus, and ElementRelevance.

An estimate of how likely it is that mail sent to the address would be successful delivered. One of the following:

Completely confident of deliverability
Almost certainly deliverable
Should be deliverable
Fair chance
No chance
ModeUsed Indicates the processing mode used. The processing mode is specified in the Process.Mode option. For a description of the modes, see Process Options.
MultimatchCount If the address was matched to multiple candidate addresses in the reference data, this field contains the number of candidate matches found.

Provides a general description of the output quality. For a more detailed description of the output quality, see the ElementResultStatus field.

One of the following:

Verified. The input data is correct. All elements were checked and input matched perfectly.
Verified. The input data is correct on input but some or all elements were standardized or the input contains outdated names or exonyms.
Verified. The input data is correct but some elements could not be verified because of incomplete reference data.
Verified. The input data is correct but the user standardization has deteriorated deliverability (wrong element user standardization - for example, postcode length chosen is too short). Not set by validation.
Corrected. All elements have been checked.
Corrected, but some elements could not be checked.
Corrected, but delivery status unclear (lack of reference data).
Corrected, but delivery status unclear because user standardization was wrong. Not set by validation.
Data could not be corrected completely, but is very likely to be deliverable. Single match (for example, HNO is wrong but only 1 HNO is found in reference data).
Data could not be corrected completely, but is very likely to be deliverable. Multiple matches (for example, HNO is wrong but more than 1 HNO is found in reference data).
Data could not be corrected, but there is a slim chance that the address is deliverable.
Data could not be corrected and is unlikely to be delivered.
Country recognized from the Force country Setting
Country recognized from DefaultCountryISO3 Setting
Country recognized from name without errors
Country recognized from name with errors
Country recognized from territory
Country recognized from province
Country recognized from major town
Country recognized from format
Country recognized from script
Country not recognized - multiple matches
Country not recognized
Parsed perfectly
Parsed with multiple results
Parsed with errors. Elements change position.
Parse Error. Input Format Mismatch.
Validation Error: No validation performed because country was not recognized.
Validation Error: No validation performed because required reference database is not available.
Validation Error: No validation performed because country could not be unlocked.
Validation Error: No validation performed because reference database is corrupt or in wrong format.
Validation Error: No validation performed because reference database is too old.
Validation Error: No validation performed because input data was insufficient.
FastCompletion Status: Suggestions are available - complete address.
FastCompletion Status: Suggested address is complete but combined with elements from the input (added or deleted).
FastCompletion Status: Suggested address is not complete (enter more information).
FastCompletion Status: Insufficient information provided to generate suggestions.

Reports the success or failure of the processing attempt.

Status.Code The reason for the failure, if there was one.
Status.Description A description of the reason for the failure, if there was one.

Interpreting ElementInputStatus, ElementResultStatus, and ElementRelevance

The ElementInputStatus, ElementResultStatus, and ElementRelevance output fields contain a series of digits that describe the outcome of the validation operation in detail. ElementInputStatus contains some information for parsing operations.

This is what an ElementInputStatus value looks like:


This is what an ElementResultStatus value looks like:


This is what an ElementRelevance value looks like:


To understand the values in these fields you need to know which element each position represents, and the meaning of the values in each position. For example, the first digit indicates the result from the PostalCode.Base output field. The position meanings are listed below.

  • Position 1—PostalCode.Base
  • Position 2—PostalCode.AddOn
  • Position 3—City
  • Position 4—Locality and Suburb
  • Position 5—StateProvice
  • Position 6—County
  • Position 7—StreetName
  • Position 8—SecondaryStreet
  • Position 9—HouseNumber
  • Position 10—Number level 1
  • Position 11—POBox
  • Position 12—Delivery service level 1
  • Position 13—Building level 0
  • Position 14—BuildingName
  • Position 15—Sub building level 0
  • Position 16—Floor and Room
  • Position 17—FirmName
  • Position 18—Organization level 1
  • Position 19—Country
  • Position 20—Territory
For ElementInputStatus, the possible values for validation are:
  • 0—Empty
  • 1—Not found
  • 2—Not checked (no reference data)
  • 3—Wrong - Set by validation only: The reference database suggests that either Number or DeliveryService is out of valid number range. Input is copied, not corrected for batch mode, for interactive mode and FastCompletion suggestions are provided.
  • 4—Matched with errors in this element
  • 5—Matched with changes (inserts and deletes) For example:
    • Parsing: Splitting of house number for "MainSt 1"
    • Validation: Replacing input that is an exonym or dropping superfluous fielded input that is invalid according to the country reference database
  • 6—Matched without errors
For ElementInputStatus, the possible values for parsing are:
  • 0—Empty
  • 1—Element had to be relocated
  • 2—Matched but needed to be normalized
  • 3—Matched
For ElementRelevance, the possible values for parsing are:
  • 0—Empty
  • 1—Element had to be relocated
  • 2—Matched but needed to be normalized
  • 3—Matched
For ElementResultStatus, the possible values are (for all address elements apart from country):
  • 0—Empty
  • 1—Not validated and not changed. Original is copied.
  • 2—Not validated but standardized.
  • 3—Validated but not changed due to invalid input, database suggests that number is out of valid ranges. Input is copied, not corrected - this status value is only set in batch mode.
  • 4—Validated but not changed due to lack of reference data.
  • 5—Validated but not changed due to multiple matches. Only set in batch mode, otherwise multiple suggestions that replace the input are marked as corrected (status value 7).
  • 6—Validated and changed by eliminating the input value
  • 7—Validated and changed due to correction based on reference data
  • 8—Validated and changed by adding value based on reference data
  • 9—Validated, not changed, but delivery status not clear (for example, DPV value wrong; given number ranges that only partially match reference data).
  • C—Validated, verified but changed due to outdated name
  • D—Validated, verified but changed from exonym to official name
  • E—Validated, verified but changed due to standardization based on casing or language. Validation only sets this status if input fully matches a language alternative.
  • F—Validated, verified and not changed due to perfect match
For Country (position 19 & 20), the following values are possible:
  • 0—Empty
  • 1—Country not recognized
  • 4—Country recognized from DefaultCountryISO3 setting
  • 5—Country not recognized - multiple matches
  • 6—Country recognized from script
  • 7—Country recognized from format
  • 8—Country recognized from major town
  • 9—Country recognized from province
  • C—Country recognized from territory
  • D—Country recognized from name with errors
  • E—Country recognized from name without errors
  • F—Country recognized from ForceCountryISO3 setting